The Student Health Center (SHC) works to meet the acute healthcare needs of our students and provides high-quality primary healthcare to promote their health and well-being.
SHC is located at 1800 Volunteer Boulevard in Knoxville, diagonally across from the “Rock” and is on the first floor. The SHC has appointments available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.–4 p.m., with the exception of Wednesday morning, when the center opens at 9 a.m. After-hours needs should use the Emergency Department at UT Medical Center just across the Tennessee River on Alcoa Highway. UT Hospital ER has special pricing arraignments for UT students who show their student ID.
This video provides a quick overview of the services offered at the Student Health Center.
Primary Care
The SHC is a full-service Primary Care physician’s office for the students of the University of Tennessee who meet eligibility requirements.
The SHC charges a minimal fee for laboratory exams, radiology exams, durable medical supplies like crutches, splints, etc., and medications such as immunizations. These fees are charged to the student’s bursar account and may be paid at the time of service. The SHC does not accept or file insurance claims with the exception of the school-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Please visit for more information on our financial policies.
The clinic operates several functional specialty practices including Acute Care, Primary Care, the Women’s Health Clinic, Sports Medicine, the Allergy and Immunization Clinic, Travel Medicine Clinic, Physical Therapy, Laboratory, and Radiology (diagnostic X-Ray).
Visits to all of our clinics require a pre-scheduled appointment, we do not function as a walk-in clinic. Referrals to local medical specialties and hospitals will be made for all complex medical problems. Instructions for pre-scheduling an appointment, as well as scheduling a same-day appointment can be found on the Student Health website.
UT Pharmacy
The SHC offers a full-service pharmacy located on the first floor of the building. The pharmacy is open until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and files most insurances. Students who receive prescriptions at the time of their visit may choose to have the prescription filled here.
Maintenance medications that are prescribed by the student’s home physician may be called to our pharmacy for the student’s convenience. The pharmacy also provides certain immunizations like the flu vaccine.
The SHC is bound by regulations that protect the healthcare privacy rights of our patients. Release of any medical information or records must be authorized in writing by the patient. Blanket releases are not accepted. Please see our website for further information.