The new spring semester offers a fresh start for students to set themselves up for academic success. As you settle into courses and adjust to a new schedule, check out these tips:
Plan Ahead
A great way to stay organized is to download your course syllabus and make notes of important dates and deadlines for assignments, exams, and presentations. Documenting these at the beginning of the year can help prevent surprises later in the semester. Don’t forget to check Canvas regularly for updates from your instructors! The Division of Student Success has developed a series of Vol Success Tips that cover other helpful academic topics including time management, study habits, and staying focused.
Get to Know Your Professors
The instructors of your courses want to see you succeed! Don’t be afraid to visit them during office hours and reach out for assistance. Office hours are dedicated timeframes each instructor reserves to meet with students. Many instructors will feature office hours on their syllabus, or you can ask them directly when a good time to meet would be. The Office of the Dean of Students also offers lunch hours, which gives any student the opportunity to take a UT faculty or staff member out to lunch with a free meal pass. This is another great way to build relationships with professors.
Register with Student Disability Services
Student Disability Services is available to ensure equitable participation in the college experience for students with disabilities. SDS can help if you need accommodations for your classes such as note-taking or communication assistance or for making the campus more accessible with dining and housing accommodations. Visit to learn more or request accommodations.
Start a Study Group
Sometimes studying in a group can help highlight concepts that are extra challenging. Think about scheduling a study group on Zoom with classmates or friends. You can also find space to study at one of the Vol Study Center locations.
Commit to Your Health and Wellness
Being successful in the classroom also requires staying healthy both mentally and physically. Explore a variety of outlets for added stress like connecting with RecSports. Aside from their normal facility hours, RecSports offers group fitness classes, intramurals, outdoor programs, sports clubs, and personal training. The Student Counseling Center remains available as well with several options for support including counseling services, therapy, wellness workshop series, and more.
Stay in tune with your needs and don’t hesitate to reach out for extra support when you need it. Vols help Vols; good luck this spring!