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Alpha Gamma Rho (ΑΓΡ)

Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) is a fraternity that blends the values of brotherhood, academic achievement, and a passion for agriculture.

As a social and professional fraternity, Alpha Gamma Rho is dedicated to developing leaders within the agricultural and life sciences fields, providing members with opportunities for personal growth, professional networking, and hands-on experience in their areas of study. The chapter actively participates in philanthropic efforts and service projects that benefit the local community, including events that support agricultural education and outreach. Alpha Gamma Rho fosters a supportive environment where members can excel academically, develop leadership skills, and build strong bonds of brotherhood.

Dozens of members of the fraternity, Alpha Gamma Rho, in front of their fraternity house, which is located in Fraternity Park.

Chapter Name: Alpha Gamma Rho

Designation: Alpha Kappa Chapter

Nickname: AGR

Colors: Dark Green and Gold

Symbols/Mascots: Sickle and Sheaf of Wheat

Philanthropy: St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital

National Founding: 1904 at The Ohio State University

UT Founding: 1951

Standing at UT: Good Standing: Three Star

Chapter GPA: 3.23

President: Nate Stroup

Address: 1842 Fraternity Park Drive, Knoxville, TN 37916

Standards of Fraternal Excellence

Standing: Three-Star Chapter 91/100

Health and Safety Summit, Greek Leadership Summit, Bystander Intervention Workshop, Chapter Officer Workshops, Cross Council Exchange, New Member Health and Safety Module, Headquarters Program(s), Risk Management Program, DEI Program, Program with another chapter from another council, & program with another Registered Student Organization or Department.

Maintaining a chapter scholarship program and chapter and new member GPA above a 2.5.

Roster submission, New Member Education Plans, Officer Updates, Advisor Updates, Council Meeting Attendance, Presidents’ Cabinet Meeting Attendance, VOLink Registration, OSFL Coaching Meetings, Financial Good Standing, & Conduct Standing

Completing at least 4 hours of service per member tracked through the Jones Center for Leadership and Service and hosting one philanthropic event:

2023 Service Hours Per Member: 8.36 hours/member

2023 Philanthropic Donations: $21,025 donated

Campus Involvement, Immersive Leadership and Service, Service Hours Over 4 Hours Per Member, Chapter GPA Above the All-Male/Female Average, Academic/Career/Leadership Program, DEI Program, Health & Safety Program, and End-Of-Year Meeting with OSFL Council Advisor.