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Members of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at the presentation of the IFC Scholarships. This photo is representing IFC Scholarship Applications.

IFC Scholarship Applications

During the IFC 150th Anniversary Celebration on October 13, 2022, the Interfraternity Council executive board and 19 chapter presidents announced the creation and endowment of the first IFC-sponsored scholarship at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In Spring of 2024, the second IFC-sponsored scholarship was endowed. The IFC Leadership Scholarship and IFC Leadership Scholarship Fund, along with the Michael S. Rodriguez Interfraternity Council Values Scholarship were created through the University of Tennessee Foundation to promote and celebrate leadership within the IFC chapters for the future generations within the community.

Fall 2024 Important Dates

  • Applications open September 1, 2024 at 8:00 AM
  • Applications due October 7, 2024 at 11:59 PM
  • IFC Scholarship Committee review period: October 7-23, 2024
  • Scholarship will be awarded during OSFL’s Quad-Council Installation on November 24, 2024

The 2024 scholarships are now closed. For questions regarding the applications contact Reece Lagerblade at

The IFC Leadership Scholarship and IFC Leadership Scholarship Fund was created and endowed through the University of Tennessee Foundation in 2022 to promote and celebrate leadership within the IFC chapters for the future generations within the community. The scholarships will be awarded based on the qualifications listed below. The recipient will receive $1,000 ($500 per semester for that year, if a graduating senior is the recipient of the scholarship, they will receive the full amount in one semester). Questions regarding the IFC Leadership Scholarship can be directed to the IFC’s VP of Scholarship.

The IFC Scholarship Committee shall choose the recipient(s) in accordance with university policy and federal and state law.

The Leadership Scholarship shall also be subject to the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled at or admitted to attend the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
  • Applicants must demonstrate successful academic performance.
  • Applicants must be a participating member of an IFC member fraternity.
  • Applicants must have demonstrated leadership experience within their respective fraternity, IFC, the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life and/or across the UTK campus.
  • Applicant must be an upperclassman (sophomore, junior, or senior).
  • Preference given for applicants who have or maintain a GPA of 2.75.

The Michael S. Rodriguez Interfraternity Council Values Scholarship shall also be subject to the following criteria:

The Michael S. Rodriguez Interfraternity Council Values Scholarship was endowed in the Spring of 2024 to help reduce the financial barriers of membership for those with financial need in IFC fraternities and to promote leadership development in the council. The scholarship will be awarded based on the qualifications below. The recipient will receive $1,000 ($500 per semester for that year; if a graduating senior receives the scholarship, they will receive the full amount in one semester). Questions regarding the IFC Leadership Scholarship can be directed to the IFC’s VP of Scholarship

The IFC Scholarship Committee shall choose the recipient(s) in accordance with university policy and federal and state law.

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled at or admitted to attend the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Applicants must demonstrate successful academic performance
  • Preference given for applicants who have or maintain a GPA of 2.75
  • A student holding the scholarship in one year shall not have preference in subsequent years
  • Applicants must be members of an IFC member fraternity
  • Applicants should have demonstrated financial need (verify with financial aid)
  • Applicants must support the Values of IFC which are currently: 1) Growth through Leadership 2) Self-governance & Accountability 3) Brotherhood & Community and 5) Service to others and self

The Director of the UTK Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships or their designee, in consultation with the IFC Scholarship Selection Committee, will determine the method and amount of the annual earnings that will be awarded.

The IFC Leadership Scholarship was endowed Fall 2022, and the first scholarship was given out Spring of 2023. For all following years, the scholarship will be awarded every Fall starting in the Fall of 2023.

The Michael S. Rodrigues Interfraternity Council Values Scholarship was endowed Spring 2024, and the first scholarship will be given out in Fall of 2024. The scholarship will be awarded every Fall.