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Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)

Zeta Tau Alpha is a sorority that focuses on fostering sisterhood, academic success, and meaningful community involvement.

The chapter is well-known for its dedication to breast cancer education and awareness, partnering with national organizations and hosting fundraising initiatives to support the cause. Zeta Tau Alpha at UT Knoxville creates an inclusive and supportive environment where members are encouraged to develop as leaders, pursue academic goals, and build lifelong friendships. Through their philanthropy, service activities, and campus involvement, the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha make a positive impact both at UT Knoxville and in the broader community. Their commitment to service, leadership, and sisterhood makes Zeta Tau Alpha an integral part of the Greek life experience on Rocky Top.


Several members of Zeta Tau Alpha's executive board smiling for a group photo outside beneath a large tree.

Chapter Name: Zeta Tau Alpha

Designation: Tennessee Zeta Chapter

Nickname: Zeta, ZTA

Colors: Turquoise Blue and Steel Gray

Symbols/Mascots: Five-Pointed Crown, Strawberry, and White Violet

Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Awareness

National Founding: October 15, 1898 at State Female Normal School (now Longwood University)

UT Founding: 1904

Standing at UT: Good Standing: Three Star

Chapter GPA: 3.5

President: Lily Maikkula

Recommendation Letter for Recruitment: Click here for more information regarding recommendation letters.

Minimum GPA Requirement for Recruitment: 3.20 for entering freshmen; 3.0 for current college students

Standards of Fraternal Excellence

Standing: Three-Star Chapter 100/100

Health and Safety Summit, Greek Leadership Summit, Bystander Intervention Workshop, Chapter Officer Workshops, Cross Council Exchange, New Member Health and Safety Module, Headquarters Program(s), Risk Management Program, DEI Program, Program with another chapter from another council, & program with another Registered Student Organization or Department.

Maintaining a chapter scholarship program and chapter and new member GPA above a 2.5.

Roster submission, New Member Education Plans, Officer Updates, Advisor Updates, Council Meeting Attendance, Presidents’ Cabinet Meeting Attendance, VOLink Registration, OSFL Coaching Meetings, Financial Good Standing, & Conduct Standing

Completing at least 4 hours of service per member tracked through the Jones Center for Leadership and Service and hosting one philanthropic event:

2023 Service Hours Per Member: 21.31 hours/member

2023 Philanthropic Donations: $58,851 donated

Campus Involvement, Immersive Leadership and Service, Service Hours Over 4 Hours Per Member, Chapter GPA Above the All-Male/Female Average, Academic/Career/Leadership Program, DEI Program, Health & Safety Program, and End-Of-Year Meeting with OSFL Council Advisor.