Graduate assistantships support students in completing their degree programs while providing relevant work experience alongside University Housing staff.
Area Graduate Assistant
To assist in the administration and direction of all responsibilities associated with the operation of the Area Office at the University of Tennessee. The assistantship is designed to prepare area graduate assistants with administrative, budgetary, and advisory skills to help them in future careers.
Area Graduate Assistant Position Description
Assistant Hall Director
To assist in the administration and direction of all responsibilities associated with the operation of a residence hall at the University of Tennessee. The assistantship is designed to prepare assistant hall directors to one day assume the role of a full-time professional hall director.
Assistant Hall Director Position Description
Check out a day in the life of a University Housing assistant hall director graduate assistant!
LLC Graduate Assistant
This assistantship is designed to provide programmatic inspiration and administrative support to our LLCs. This position is influential in the continued growth and development of the individual LLC, student participants, and leadership development of students who serve as LLC ambassadors on the LLC Advisory Council. This position is supervised by the assistant director for Living and Learning Communities.
LLC Graduate Assistant Position Description
Check out a day in the life of a University Housing LLC graduate assistant!
Watch the video
Off-Campus Graduate Assistant
To assist in the administration and direction of responsibilities associated with the operation of off-campus properties entered into formal partnerships or agreements with University Housing. They will support community-wide communication, provide community development via programs and 1:1 student interaction, and connect with campus partners as needed to ensure the residential students’ transition and success in off-campus housing.
Off-Campus Graduate Assistant Position Description
URHC/NRHH Advisor Graduate Assistant
This assistantship is designed to provide guidance and support for the United Residence Halls Council (URHC) and the NRHH chapters. The graduate assistant will serve as the primary advisor for both of these student-led organizations.
URHC/NRHH Advisor Graduate Assistant Position Description
Check out a day in the life of a University Housing URHC/NRHH graduate assistant!
Watch the video
How to Apply
Thank you for your interest in our graduate assistantships! Check eRezLife for information and applications. Phone interviews for selected candidates occur on a rolling basis during November, December, and January.
College Student Personnel Candidates
Applicants should complete an online graduate assistant application, which requires a cover letter, resume, and three references. In order to apply for all graduate assistantships with University Housing, please utilize the following process:
- If you are a current UT student or have already been admitted to a graduate program, complete an online graduate assistantship application via eRezlife.
- If you are not a current UT student or have not yet been admitted to a graduate program, please email Steve Syoen at with your name and email address in order to have an account created for you. Once the account is created, you will receive an email with a link to set up a password with eRezlife. You will then be able to complete an online graduate assistantship application in eRezlife under “Job Postings” and “Apply Now.”
Please check with your program for appropriate deadlines and timelines.