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Two students walk to class together

Multicultural Mentoring Program

Two stick figures with hands joined that create the letter "M"

Multicultural Mentoring Program icon

The Multicultural Mentoring Program provides personal support, assistance, social guidance, and positive campus survival skills to first-year students of color by developing activities and interactions with upper-class students to address personal needs, thus contributing to their academic success, and enhancing the University of Tennessee’s efforts in recruiting, retaining and graduating students of color.

Multicultural Mentoring Program Goals

  • Mentor first-year students of color through strategic and consistent contact.
  • Provide personal and professional enrichment opportunities for students with an emphasis on students of color.
  • Act as a referral agent for academic support services available at UT that contribute to improved retention rates of students of color.
  • Sponsor and encourage attendance at programs in which mentors and mentees actively interact and participate.
  • Provide continuous and relevant training to equip mentors with resources to effectively assist first-year students of color.

Apply to be an MMP Mentee


Advisor: Simphany Renee’, Coordinator
Phone: 865-974-6861