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Campus Climate Impact Committee

Headshot of Ciara Gazaway
Ciara Gazaway, M.S.
Program Director for Campus Climate | Contact

Campus Climate Impact Committee 

The Office of Dean of Students addresses campus climate concerns through the university’s Campus Climate Impact Committee (CCIC). The CCIC consists of staff and administrators from relevant university departments.

The Office of Dean of Students addresses campus climate concerns through the university’s Campus Climate Impact Committee (CCIC).

Campus Climate Impact Committee members support and guide students in determining how to handle a campus climate concern. Committee members review incident reports and meet with affected students to provide support, education, and resources.

Members of CCIC develop plans to initiate restorative practices and educational conversations with students. They also notify the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, Human Resources, Title IX, or the University of Tennessee Police Department  if the incident appears to violate a university policy or a state or federal law.

CCIC shares incident trends and data with university officials to inform programming or services to support the campus climate.

The Campus Climate Impact Committee (CCIC) is not a disciplinary body and does not impose sanctions or disciplinary action.* The purpose of the university’s CCIC is to assist those who have been affected by campus climate concerns and to promote mattering and belonging among members of the university community.

*If a reported concern describes behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct, Faculty/Staff Handbook, Title IX allegations, university policies, or constitutes a criminal offense, the committee will provide the reporting party with information about how to report the situation to the appropriate office (or the committee will make the report if it is a mandatory reporting situation) which may result in an investigation, disciplinary action, etc.