Students who have questions or concerns about any aspect of academic course work or campus life are encouraged to seek clarification and prompt assistance through appropriate university channels.
Academic Coursework & Advising
Questions or concerns related to grades or academic coursework should first be addressed to the course instructor. If the issue is not resolved, then the appropriate department head, and finally the dean of the college in which the course is offered should be consulted. If an appropriate solution cannot be reached through discussions with these individuals, the staff of the Academic Success Center (for undergraduate students) or the Graduate School (for graduate students) can offer assistance regarding the best process for resolution. Concerns related to academic advising should be addressed first with your assigned academic advisor, then the director of the appropriate advising center, and finally the dean of the appropriate college.
Campus Life
All questions or concerns related to campus life or student organizations should be directed to the Division of Student Life. Staff in this office will provide information, assist in resolving a problem, or identify the appropriate channel of appeal.
Students who are uncertain about how to initiate the process of resolving a question or concern can contact the Office of the Dean of Students (865-974-3179), the Student Success Center (865-974-6641), or the Graduate School (865-974-2475) for assistance in determining the appropriate administrative channel of appeal.