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Torchbearer in Circle Park on July 31, 2019. Photo by Steven Bridges/University of Tennessee
Student Conduct & Community Standards has moved! Effective August 19, 2024, students, faculty, and staff can visit us at our new location on the first floor of Andy Holt Tower. For information on directions and accessible entry, please visit our dedicated new location page.

Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS) provides students an equitable process for alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

SCCS oversees behavioral misconduct, academic misconduct, student organization misconduct, and Title IX policy violations. Students who engage in conduct that is inconsistent with the code are subject to university disciplinary action.

The process by which the university investigates and resolves alleged violations of the Standards of Conduct is called the student conduct process.

The conduct process is educational in nature and centered around student development. Although SCCS can issue disciplinary sanctions, many allegations of misconduct are resolved through an educational and developmental approach. The process is designed to promote learning and development as it relates to appropriate decision making.