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Ayres Hall peaking over the trees on campus in a beautiful morning sunrise.

Student Code of Conduct Revision Process

In 2017 and again in 2021, the Student Code of Conduct underwent a multi-step revision process in which students, faculty, and staff had an opportunity to provide input. The most recent revisions to the Code of Conduct went into effect August 12, 2021.

View the Student Code of Conduct

Steps for Code Revision Process

  • SCCS staff sought approval and endorsement of the proposed revisions from campus administration and Division of Student Life staff;
  • Once endorsement was provided by campus offices, proposed revisions submitted to the State Attorney General’s Office for preliminary review;
  • After State Attorney General’s Office preliminary review, campus filed a Notice of Public Rulemaking Hearing with the Secretary of State;
  • Conducted the public hearing no sooner than 53 days from filing with the Secretary of State;
  • Addressed any public comments from the hearing and made revisions as necessary;
  • Sought approval from the Board of Trustees;
  • After Board approval, submitted to the State Attorney General’s Office for examination and approval as to legality;
  • Filed the final proposed revisions with the Secretary of State;
  • Review of proposed revisions by Tennessee General Assembly Joint Government Operations Committee.
  • Upon successful completion of this process, changes to the Student Code of Conduct were officially implemented on August 12, 2021.

Rulemaking Hearing

The Notice of Rulemaking Hearing for the proposed revisions was posted to the Secretary of State’s website. For more information about the Notice of the Rulemaking Hearing including the text of the proposed rules which were being considered, please visit the UTK Code of Student Conduct Notice of Rulemaking Hearing.

The public Rulemaking Hearing took place Monday, March 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. EST at Student Union Building, Room 362. Interested parties were able to submit written comments on or before March 5, 2021, by mail or email to the following person:

C. Ryan Stinnett, General Counsel
University of Tennessee
719 Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996