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Students gather and perform at BCPC's Caribbean Splash Jam

Black Cultural Programming Committee

Black Cultural Programming Committee logoThe Black Cultural Programming Committee (BCPC) at UT was established in 1979 by the Office of the Dean of Students. Since its inception, the committee’s objectives have been to:

  • Develop and present programs and activities that enhance public awareness of African-Americans and their accomplishments within the international society;
  • Foster an atmosphere for the interaction and unity of African American students within the university community;
  • Provide an opportunity for African American students to maintain positive and continuous communication/involvement with the academic and local communities;
  • Serve as a catalyst to motivate the African American students’ self-development, discovery, and esteem during their educational career at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

To join, or learn more about BCPC:

Follow @utbcpc on Instagram



Phone: 865-974-6861