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Students walk along Ped walkway

Strategic Plan

We provide opportunities where students exemplify the Volunteer Spirit, inspiring others to learn, lead, and serve.

In 2021, the Division of Student Life developed a new strategic plan, providing a framework to create a climate where learning, belonging, engagement, inclusivity, and care can thrive. The strategic plan leads our work and directs our focus, our resources, and our decisions. The plan defines our role and the impact we have on the Volunteer experience.

Priority 1: Transformative Experiences


  1. Provide opportunities for students to develop a sense of self by understanding their individual strengths, values, and goals, and expanding their leadership capacity.
  2. Empower students to connect with the broader community through civic engagement.
  3. Enhance the overall campus experience by providing services and programs specific to the needs of graduate students.

Priority 2: Culture of Inclusivity and Care


  1. Cultivate inclusive education, programming, services, and professional development across the division.
  2. Develop and implement division-wide care and support initiatives that foster success and well-being.

Priority 3: Personal and Professional Growth


  1. Advance personal and professional growth of students and staff through exploration and innovation.

Priority 4: Responsible and Effective Stewardship


  1. Responsibly and creatively steward University resources to maximize the student experience and subsequent student learning.
  2. Empower and sustain a culture of collaboration, adaptability, and innovation to maximize the student experience and subsequent student learning.