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Chris Boyd, M.S.


M.S., University of North Texas 

Professional Interests

 I am passionate about working with emerging adults as they navigate the exciting but challenging transition into adulthood. My focus lies in fostering identity development and helping individuals embrace their unique selves. Additionally, I am committed to addressing multicultural issues and promoting cultural sensitivity in our diverse world.

Theoretical Orientation

My counseling approach is rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which emphasizes accepting one’s thoughts and feelings while committing to actions aligned with personal values. I also have a strong multicultural orientation, recognizing the importance of cultural diversity and inclusivity in counseling. In addition, I draw from the principles of Positive Psychology to help individuals cultivate resilience and a sense of fulfillment in their lives!

 Personal Interests

First and foremost, I’m a huge sports fan! The vast majority of my time is spent either watching sports or talking sports. When I need to unwind, I love kicking back and playing one of my favorite video games or watching a comfort movie. On the weekends, I like to spend my free time exploring the great outdoors with my cute pup.