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Two students at the University of Tennessee are walking together on Ped Walkway. They are both part of Greek life on campus. They are smiling while talking to each other. This picture is representing academic and membership reports for the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life.

Community Reports

Academic and Membership Reports

The Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life recognizes the first priority of attendingĀ  college is to attain a well-rounded education. Fraternity and sorority chapters provide a support system for students that encourage positive study habits, academic integrity, and useful time management skills. Many organizations offer free tutoring, peer mentors, scholarships, and incentives for success in the classroom. Traditionally, the fraternity and sorority community grade point average (GPA) is higher than that of the All-University Average. The Sorority and Fraternity Life community has exceeded this average every semester since the spring of 2017.

In the following reports, you will find academic and membership statistics which can be broken down by council, chapter, active members, new members, male, female, non-affiliated students, and the university as a whole.

For more information, please contact the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life.