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Members of the Panhellenic Council Executive Board holding hands and smiling at each other. They are walking away from Neyland Stadium across the orange and white checkerboard crosswalk.

Panhellenic Council

The Panhellenic Council, or Panhellenic, at Rocky Top is composed of 14 women’s sororities.

The Panhellenic community is more than 120 years old and rich with history. The Panhellenic community lives out its core ideology to promote the positive, develop women, and create an environment of unity and fairness. Panhellenic strives to develop women through the relationships they make, the leadership skills they gain, the challenge of academics, and the philanthropic/community service experiences in which they participate.

Panhellenic Website

Panhellenic Instagram

2025 Panhellenic Executive Board


Panhellenic Chapters