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Third-Party Vendor Applications

This form is to be completed annually by all third-party vendors who wish to serve alcohol or provide security services on University of Tennessee’s campus for sorority and fraternity events. Vendors are available for non-university sponsored events for sororities and fraternities and no university funding of any kind may be used for these events.

Once approved, an organization will be responsible for following the expectations set by the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life (OSFL) and the university. Should a Third-Party Alcohol Vendor or Security Vendor violate one of these expectations, they will receive a strike. Upon the third strike, the vendor may lose recognition with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life as an approved vendor. *Note* Should a violation be egregious, OSFL reserves the right to immediately issue a loss of recognition.

Sorority & Fraternity Alcohol Vendors

Sorority & Fraternity Security Vendors

*Should a Third-Party Alcohol Vendor or Security Vendor violate the Sorority & Fraternity Life Third-Party Vendor Congruence Statement they will receive a strike. Upon the third strike, the vendor may lose recognition with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life as an approved vendor. Should a violation be egregious, OSFL reserves the right to immediately issue a loss of recognition. These strikes will be documented below.

A curated list of approved vendors is available below.

  • Aramark (Alcohol)
  • Axis (Security)
  • Back Door Tavern (Alcohol)
  • National Security (Security)
  • Optimum (Security)

  • Falu (Security) Strike One: 10/11/2024
  • Security Walls (Security)
  • The Hill (Alcohol) Strike One: 09/14/2024
  • UTPD (Security)


Before submitting any of the applications below, kindly review the following items:


Contact Information

Ex: "Smokey's Catering"
Third Party Main Contact/Owner Name

Ex: "John Smith"

Physical Address of Business

Supporting & Required Documentation

Max. file size: 1 MB.

Note: Cater License issued by the TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission

Max. file size: 1 MB.

Note: Server License issued by the TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission if separate from the cater license required above

Max. file size: 1 MB.

Note: Certificate of insurance with the $1M general liability coverage and off premise liquor liability coverage plus non-owned and hired auto coverage, with the additional insured named for each event. Please refer to the "Third Party Vendor Insurance Guidelines" linked at the top of the page for full coverage details.
I agree to cash/card only sales collected by myself, the vendor, during the entire function and that the sale of alcohol must cease thirty (30) minutes prior to the event's ending time.

Note: This prohibits the use of a chapter tab, open bar, or the distribution of pre-purchased alcohol.
I assume all responsibilities that any other purveyor of alcoholic beverages would assume in the normal course of business

Note: Including - checking identification cards upon entry, refusing service of alcoholic beverages to minors or those who appear to be intoxicated, maintaining absolute control of alcoholic containers present, and collecting all remaining alcohol at the end of the event and removing it from the premises (Vendor must also agree that no excess alcohol, opened or unopened, will be given, sold, or furnished to the event sponsor(s).

Review of Policies

I have reviewed the OSFL Event Registration Policy.

I have reviewed the University of Tennessee Alcohol Policy.

Contact Information

Ex: "Smokey's Patrol"
Third Party Security Main Contact/Owner Name

Ex. "John Smith"

Physical Address of Business

Supporting & Required Documentation

Max. file size: 1 MB.

Note: License is to be valid for the state of Tennessee (refer to Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance)

Note: Licenses are renewable every two (2) years.

Max. file size: 1 MB.

Note: Certificate of insurance with the $1M general liability coverage plus non-owned and hired auto coverage, with the additional insured named for each event. Please refer to the "Third Party Security Insurance Guidelines" linked at the top of the page for full coverage details.
I acknowledge that security must be present at the event at least one (1) hour prior to the event and one (1) hour after the event concludes.

I acknowledge that security vendors must be properly licensed and possess all appropriate governmental permits and licenses.

I acknowledge that the contractor certifies that it will have the preceding insurance coverage at the time the contract is awarded. I further certify that the Contractor and any subcontractors will maintain this insurance coverage during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Tennessee by the Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance. Subcontractors, if any, will maintain similar insurance coverage during the entire term of the contract.

Review of Policies

I have reviewed the OSFL Event Registration Policy.

I have reviewed the University of Tennessee Alcohol Policy.

Third Party Vendor Agreement Form