SOFE Reporting Form SOFE Reporting Form Sorority/Fraternity Name*Please Select a ChapterAlpha Gamma RhoAlpha Gamma DeltaAlpha Chi OmegaAlpha Delta PiAlpha Epsilon PiAlpha Kappa AlphaAlpha Phi AlphaAlpha Omicron PiBeta Theta PiBeta Upsilon ChiChi OmegaDelta ChiDelta Delta DeltaDelta GammaDelta Kappa EpsilonDelta Phi LambdaDelta Sigma ThetaDelta Tau DeltaDelta UpsilonDelta ZetaFarmHouseIota Phi ThetaKappa Alpha PsiKappa DeltaKappa Kappa GammaKappa SigmaLambda Chi AlphaLambda Phi EpsilonLambda Theta AlphaLambda Theta PhiOmega Psi PhiPhi Beta SigmaPhi Delta ThetaPhi Gamma DeltaPhi Kappa PsiPhi Kappa TauPhi Sigma KappaPhi MuPi Beta PhiPi Kappa AlphaPi Kappa PhiSigma Alpha EpsilonSigma Beta RhoSigma ChiSigma Gamma RhoSigma KappaSigma NuSigma Phi EpsilonSigma Sigma RhoTheta ChiZeta Phi BetaZeta Tau AlphaSubmission Title*Name of event, program, or what you are submitting for SOFE creditName of Person Completing This Form* First Last Email of Person Completing This Form* Email of Person Completing This Form (Preferred Email)* Enter Email Confirm Email Category for submission*Select a CategoryChapter Program: Headquarters ProgramChapter Program: Risk Management ProgramChapter Program: Access & Engagement ProgramChapter Program: Program with another chapter from another councilChapter Program: Program with a Registered Student Organization, Office, or DepartmentExcellence Program: Academic, Leadership, and/or CareerExcellence Program: Access & Engagement ProgramExcellence Program: Health and SafetyAcademic/Scholarship ProgramPhilanthropy Event/Donation(s)Leadership & Engagement ListCouncil Submission Only: Attendance & Financial Good Standing ReportsSelect a category of SOFE to submit documentation. If not listed, no submission is needed for that category.Title of Program/Event*Date of Program/Event* MM slash DD slash YYYY If event lasted more that one day, list first day of event and document in description.Location of Program/Event*Description of Program/Event*Provide a detailed description of the event, who participated, and if you'd like this event to count for one or more other SOFE categories.Co-Host(s)*Chapters, RSOs, Offices, Departments, Community Partner, etc.Attendance Tracker*Max. file size: 1 MB.Upload a file for proof of attendance at your event/programProof of Completion: Presentation Slides, Agenda, Photo*Max. file size: 1 MB.Upload a photo, agenda, presentation, etc. for proof of attendance and validation that criteria was met for this category.Scholarship Program*Max. file size: 1 MB.Word or PDF document that outlines academic requirements, incentives, programs, goals, and job description of the academic officer. Name of Academic Officer* First Last Who is in charge of academics/scholarship in your chapter?Organization/Cause Donated to*If more than one, please be sure to list how much went to each cause.Proof of donation*Max. file size: 1 MB.This can be a check or a screenshot/picture of a confirmation of donation. This needs to be a confirmation of PAYMENT not total amount raised. If goods are donated, please take a photo of the goods being donated (i.e. toys being dropped off for a toy drive).Amount/Goods Donated*This is the amount of money donated TOTAL or what goods were donated in a list form. This is NOT the amount raised at the event. If donated to multiple causes, please list TOTAL here and separate donations in the line item called "Organization/Cause Donated to."Leadership & Engagement List (EXCEL DOCUMENT ONLY)*Max. file size: 1 MB.Members involved in non-chapter activities and those involved in immersive leadership and service opportunities. (refer to page 8-9 of the SOFE extended breakdown: Submissions will only be accepted that are in the correct format listed in the SOFE extended breakdown.Council Tracking by Semester - Attendance and Financial Standing*Max. file size: 1 MB.Each council is responsible for listing all chapters, their financial standing, and attendance at all required council/chapter events. This list is to be submitted by April 15 and November 15. Δ