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Two students within the Multicultural Greek Council are sitting on a bench outside of the Student Union. Both students are smiling. The male student is wearing a white shirt with his Greek letters on it. The female is wearing a maroon shirt with her Greek letters on it.

MGC Recruitment

The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) at UT is composed of six culturally-based sororities and fraternities.

The council is united by their aspirations to increase awareness of diversity and inclusion, serve the UT and local community, and to maintain high academic standards. MGC also coordinates activities that celebrates culture, uplifts personal/professional development, and engages in working across differences.

Each MGC organization accepts potential new members through a new member education process. Our MGC organizations start off with a series of events known as Rush or Recruitment Weeks. They will host formal informational or interest meetings during or at the end of those weeks.

Rush/Recruitment is an informal week(s) of educational, social, and service-related activities to get to know members and learn more about one organization of interest. At the end of an organization’s rush week, they extend opportunities to selected individuals who meet the requirements of MGC and its national organization to pursue membership. Informational meetings allow for individuals to find out general information about said organization and Interest Meetings are formal meetings for those who are interested in moving forward with membership. 

If you are interested in learning more about MGC organizations, we invite you to attend Meet the Greeks and MGC Fest or Meet and Greet each semester. These events will be free to all UT students. For more information, please contact MGC President, Khoa Nguyen.

Interest Form

MGC Meet & Greet RSVP

Spring 2025 Important Dates

  • MGC Fest on January 29 at 5 p.m. in Student Union 272C
  • MGC New Member Orientation on April 27 at 3 p.m. in Student Union 362
MGC Chapters

Follow MGC on Instagram

MGC Membership Requirements

  • First Year Students must be enrolled full time.
    • Students currently in the Volunteer Bridge Program or Road to Rocky Top are not eligible to join a sorority or fraternity until their successful completion of the program and are registered for a full course load at UT.
  • Second-semester first-year students, transfer students, and upper-class students must:
    • Have a 2.5 cumulative GPA
    • Have completed at least 12 credit hours
  • Be in good conduct standing with the university