In an effort to be transparent and hold our groups to the highest standards, the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life has made a commitment to share information regarding our community’s conduct history beginning in Fall 2016. Chapter conduct history will remain on this page for five years. This webpage is updated on a weekly basis. As of February 6, 2025, this is reflective of the current chapters’ statuses and history (Suspension, Deferred Suspension, Social Probation, Disciplinary Probation, Loss and Restriction of Privileges, Unrecognized Groups, and a full history of each chapter)
In the case of serious or repeated misconduct, a student organization’s University registration may be revoked. The organizations below are currently suspended and not recognized by the University. No one should be acting on behalf of these organizations (i.e. collecting dues, hosting events, or recruiting members). Individuals should not join or attend events with suspended organizations; student groups should not be co-hosting events with suspended organizations.
Chapter: Alpha Tau Omega
Council: IFC
Suspension End Date: Fall 2026
Chapter: Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Council: NPHC
Suspension End Date: Spring 2027
Chapter: Phi Delta Theta
Council: IFC
Suspension End Date: Fall 2028
Chapter: Sigma Phi Epsilon
Council: IFC
Suspension End Date: Spring 2027
Deferred Suspension
Deferred Suspension is the strictest form of probation for an organization. It is a designated period of time during which a student organization while continuing to be active, is given an opportunity to demonstrate the ability to abide by the Standards of Conduct. A student organization may be placed on Deferred Suspension for serious misconduct or in the case of repeated misconduct. If the student organization is found responsible for any additional violation(s) of the Standards of Conduct while the organization is on Deferred Suspension, then the same sanction of Suspension will be the minimum sanction that will be imposed in a Formal Hearing on the subsequent misconduct, Student organizations who are placed on Deferred Suspension are also generally given developmental sanctions.
Chapter: Kappa Sigma
Council: IFC
Deferred Suspension End Date: 3/1/2025
Social Probation
Social Probation prohibits a student organization from sponsoring, participating in, or hosting specified social activities or participating in University-affiliated activities (e.g., Homecoming, All-Sing, Carnicus, intramurals). Violation of the Standards of Conduct during the social probationary period could result in more serious penalties including revocation of University registration.
*No organizations are currently on Social Probation.
Disciplinary Probation
Disciplinary Probation is the lowest level of probation for a student organization. Disciplinary Probation means that a student organization is permitted to retain University registration on a probationary status. It is often coupled with education requirements. It does not restrict social privileges, but rather serves as an indication that the organization is not in good disciplinary standing. Violation of the Standards of Conduct during the probationary period could result in more serious penalties including social probation or revocation of University registration.
Chapter: Alpha Delta Pi
Council: Panhellenic
Disciplinary Probation End Date: 3/1/2025
Chapter: Phi Gamma Delta
Council: IFC
Disciplinary Probation End Date: 3/1/2025
Chapter: Beta Upsilon Chi
Council: IFC
Disciplinary Probation End Date: 3/15/2025
Chapter: Pi Kappa Alpha
Council: IFC
Disciplinary Probation End Date: 3/1/2025
Chapter: Phi Sigma Kappa
Council: IFC
Disciplinary Probation End Date: 9/15/2025
Chapter: Phi Kappa Tau
Council: IFC
Disciplinary Probation End Date: 5/15/2025
Loss or Restriction of Privileges
Per the Student Code of Conduct, a loss or restriction of privileges sanction means the organization has had specific privileges and abilities limited. These restrictions can include, but are not limited to, representing the University in any official manner, the use or access to University spaces (including on-campus housing), participation in University, Fraternity/Sorority Council, social, or co-hosted social activities. Violation of these restrictions could results in more serious penalties including suspension.
Chapter: Kappa Sigma
Council: IFC
Privileges Resume: Fall 2025
Chapter: Phi Sigma Kappa
Council: IFC
Privileges Resume: Fall 2025
Unrecognized Organizations
Our community is composed of sorority and fraternity chapters that are all Registered Student Organizations through the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life, recognized and active within their inter/national organizations, and have followed the OSFL and respective council expansion policies. For the health and safety of the general community, we do not support or encourage the existence of membership in unrecognized/suspended sororities or fraternities.
Chapter: Zeta Psi
Council: N/A
Earliest Petition Date: Fall 2028
Chapter Conduct History
Chapters are categorized by fraternities and sororities. Two asterisks (**) indicates a chapter in good standing that has had conduct sanctions within the past five years.
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Spring 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 3/9/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 3/9/2023
Location: Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 4/21/2023
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 4/21/2023 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 7/1/2023
- Educational Sanctions:
- Executive Board meeting with OSFL to discuss social event management by 5/15/2023.
- New Member Education team meeting with OSFL to discuss new member education programming by 8/1/2023.
- Risk management reset program with OSFL to discuss safe social event practices, new member process, and the importance of each member doing their part to maintain the health and safety of their chapter. 90% of active and new members must be present and this program must be completed by 9/15/2023.
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 9/14/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/14/2024
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 10/30/2023
Sanction Date: 10/30/2023
- Educational Sanctions
- Executive Board will meet with HQ staff to discuss risk mitigation, appropriate use of the on-campus facility, alcohol at chapter events, and internal accountability by 11/15/2023.
- Chapter will complete HQ’s online course, Tightrope which covers health & safety related topics. A minimum of 90% of new members and active members must complete the module by 12/1/2023.
- Chapter will participate in a risk management workshop with HQ and OSFL related to the University and Inter/national organization’s expectations and policies related to appropriate use of the on-campus facility, risk management strategies, internal accountability, and bystander intervention. A minimum of 80% of new members and active members must be present and it must be completed by 12/15/2023.
- Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education committee for spring 2024 must meet with OSFL, SCCS, and Chapter advisor to discuss New Member Education for the spring 2024 semester by 1/19/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 10/28/2021
Reported By: Student
Investigation Start Date: 10/28/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 3/10/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 3/10/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 8/1/2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation. These meetings will cover the following:
- Internal accountability plan to be completed by 4/1/2022.
- Executive Board will complete the Vols ACT Online Module by 4/15/2022.
- Chapter will host an educational workshop regarding Bystander Intervention by 4/15/2022.
- Chapter will participate in an educational workshop with Gentry McCreary, and/ or another guest speaker approved by SCCS, to address chapter operations as it relates to health and safety, brotherhood development, and safe social event management by 5/15/2022.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation. These meetings will cover the following:
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (14) Fire Safety
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to an Underage Person
- (25 x2) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 10/29/2021
Reported By: Alpha Tau Omega National Headquarters
Investigation Start Date: 10/29/2021
Location: On- and Off-campus, multiple locations
Interim Action:
- On 10/29/2021, Alpha Tau Omega was placed on a suspension for all activities and operations by the National Headquarters for violations of Health and Safety Policy. The University mirrored and supported this by issuing university interim action.
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/22/2021
Sanction Date: 11/22/2021
The Interim Action was replaced by the following sanctions:
- On 11/22/2021 UTK and Alpha Tau Omega National Headquarters (NHQ) collaboratively made the decision to suspend the Pi Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega. The Division of Student Life and Alpha Tau Omega NHQ have entered into a MOU to support the suspension and lay out a path for a successful return. The earliest date the Chapter is eligible to return to UTK is fall 2026.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement/MOU with National Headquarters
Date of Incident: 10/12/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
- (25) Violation of Interim Actions, Sanctions, Conditions
Date Reported: 10/12/2020
Reported By: UT Student
Investigation Start Date: 10/12/2020
Location: On- and Off-campus, multiple locations
Notice of Allegations Date: 12/14/2020
Sanction Date: 1/26/2021
- Deferred suspension until 4/1/2021
- Disciplinary probation until 12/1/2021
- Loss or restriction of privileges: The Chapter is restricted to brotherhood events and date parties only for social events for the duration of the spring 2021 and summer 2021 semesters. No other events are permitted to occur, including both information and formal events.
- Educational Sanctions:
- While on Disciplinary Probation, all on and off campus events shall be reviewed in advance with OSFL a minimum of 10 business days in advance.
- The Chapter shall host a session on social event education by February 15, 2021.
- The Chapter shall host small group sessions regarding hazing education once a month starting in February 2021 and ending in November 2021.
- The Chapter shall develop a true New Member Education plan. A detailed plan for Spring 2021 is due by February 15, 2021 and a detailed plan for fall 2021 is due by August 15, 2021.
- The Chapter New Member Education Committee is required to meet a minimum of once a month during Disciplinary Probation with OSFL to discuss NM developments, planning, and education.
- The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal accountability plan.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 9/10/2020 & 9/13/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
Date Reported: 9/16/2020
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/16/2020
Location: Off-Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 10/13/2020
Sanction Date: 10/13/2020
- Loss or Restriction of Privileges:
- The chapter has volunteered to shift all New Member Educational meeting and official Chapter Meetings to a virtual format for the remainder of the fall 2020 semester.
- Educational Sanctions:
- Chapter Members shall completed COVID-19 training within 7 days from the resolution of the case.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 08/14/2019
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (19) Alcohol-related conduct prohibited by law
- (20) Distributing Alcohol in Violation of Federal, State, and Local Law (Off Campus)
Date Reported: 8/15/2019
Reported By: Staff
Investigation Start Date: 8/16/2019
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/15/2020
Sanction Date: 2/16/2020
(Cases combined for sanctioning, see case below)
Date of Incident: 9/21/2019
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol on Campus
- (19) Alcohol-related conduct prohibited by law
- (20) Distributing Alcohol in Violation of Federal, State, and Local Law (Off Campus)
Date Reported: 9/25/2019
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/25/2019
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/16/2020
Sanction Date: 1/16/2020
- Disciplinary Probation until December 15, 2020
- Loss or Restriction of Privileges:
- While on Disciplinary Probation, the Chapter shall not host or participate in more than 5 social events with alcohol per semester.
- Educational Sanctions:
- While on Disciplinary Probation, the Chapter must review all social events with alcohol in advance with OSFL and/ or ATO Headquarters. These reviews must take place a minimum of 10 business days before the event.
- While on Disciplinary Probation, the Chapter must conduct a post review of all social events with OSFL to discuss what went well and what could be improved.
- The Chapter’s entire new member process, both formal and information activities, must be discussed and reviewed by OSFL & HQ’s. A New Member Plan clearly outlining new member activities and membership development activities must then be submitted for review. A revised plan is due by January 24, 2020.
- The Chapter shall complete an Educational Program regarding social event safety with UTPD by February 14, 2020.
- The Chapter shall have 75% of their membership attend Dave Westol’s “Hazing on Trial” presentation when he visits UTK in February 2020.
- The Chapter shall host an educational presentation regarding ways to speak up and be an active bystander regarding alcohol and inappropriate behavior by March 6, 2020.
- The Chapter shall host hazing educational sessions with in-depth reflection and facilitated conversation amongst members regarding hazing by April 3, 2020.
- The Chapter shall develop a Sober Monitor Plan regarding social events that identifies who should call for help, who plays what role, and who helps mitigate risk by May 1, 2020.
- The Chapter’s Judicial Board is required to attend a training session by September 11, 2020.
- The Chapter shall host a session regarding how to have difficult conversations by October 2, 2020.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Multicultural Greek Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2023, Spring 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to an Underage Person
Date Reported: 12/1/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 12/1/2023
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/28/2024
Sanction Date: 3/28/2024
- The Chapter shall attend a redevelopment workshop facilitated by OSFL that discusses health & safety best practices, hazing prevention, bystander intervention, internal accountability, safe social event management, and expectations from University and HQ. A minimum of 90% of members must be present and 100% of Executive Council by 5/15/2024.
- The Chapter shall develop a true New Member Education plan that involves ways for new members and active members to bond without hazing. Chapter’s Executive Board, Judicial Board, New Member Committee, and Recruitment Committee shall meet with OSFL and develop a plan by 7/1/2024,
- The Chapter shall participate in a mock social event facilitated by OSFL. This program will focus on organizational event management, safety precautions, policies, and expectations for organization and individuals. A minimum of 90% of members must be present and 100% of Executive Council by 9/15/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 9/9/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (20) Providing Alcohol to an Underage Person
Date Reported: 9/14/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/14/2023
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 12/1/2023
Sanction Date: 12/1/2023
- The chapter will complete Sober Monitor Training by 12/15/2023. 75% of membership should attend.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, Social Event Planning Team, and Risk Management Team shall work with OSFL to discuss BYOB events as it relates to risk management strategies and expectations for their entire membership during social events by 12/15/2023.
- The Chapter’s outgoing and incoming Executive Boards, Social Event Planning Teams, and Risk Management Teams shall meet with OSFL to discuss social event registration, internal accountability, risk management strategies, and expectations for their entire membership by 1/15/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
- (25) Violation of Sanctions
Date Reported: 10/13/2021
Reported By: Student
Investigation Start Date: 10/13/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 3/11/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 3/11/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 8/1/2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation. These meetings will cover the following:
- Internal accountability plan to be completed by 4/1/2022.
- Develop a New Member Education Plan followed by a facilitated conversation with OSFL by 7/1/2022.
- Chapter will host HazingEDU follow-up by 5/1/2022.
- Chapter will host Sober Monitor Training by 5/21/2022.
- All events are to be registered and approved through OSFL’s VOLink registration process.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation. These meetings will cover the following:
Date of Incident: Spring 2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person(s)
Date Reported: 3/3/2021
Reported By: Anonymous
Investigation Start Date: 3/5/2021
Location: Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 7/8/2021
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 7/8/2021 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until May 21, 2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- The Chapter agrees to develop a true New Member Education Plan by August 2, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees to participate in the Beta Theta Pi HQ’s Son of the Stars New Member Orientation Pilot Program for fall 2021 and beyond.
- The Chapter agrees to develop and follow an Internal Accountability Plan. Proof of the Internal Accountability Plan is due by August 17, 2021 and proof that the plan is being executed is due monthly to OSFL and HQ’s until the conclusion of Disciplinary Probation.
- The Chapter agrees to conduct a ritual review focused on the Seven Obligations and Three Principles of Beta Theta Pi by August 17, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees to complete HQ’s online educational module on hazing prevention by September 1, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees that the Executive Board shall attend a facilitated conversation regarding health and safety with CHEW by September 1, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees to participate in an educational conversation with OSFL focused on event management, the expected safety precautions for organization and individuals, what constitutes a chapter event, and the importance of each member doing their part by September 1, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees to complete HazingEDU by September 15, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees to participate in an educational workshop on bystander intervention with CHEW by October 1, 2021.
- The Chapter agrees to host monthly meetings for the New Member Education Committee and OSFL from July 2021 through initiation in the Fall 2021 semester.
- The Chapter agrees that the New Member Education Committee for the spring 2022 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL by February 1, 2022.
- The Chapter agrees that until May 21, 2022 all social events, both on and off campus shall be registered and reviewed by OSFL.
- The Chapter agrees to develop a true New Member Education Plan by August 2, 2021.
Date of Incident: 11/17/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
Date Reported: 12/14/2020
Reported By: UT Student
Investigation Start Date: 12/14/2020
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/14/2021
Sanction Date: 1/15/2021
- Disciplinary Probation through 4/30/2021
- All social events need to be reviewed with OSFL through 4/30/2021
- Social-Event Education and COVID-Event Education completed by 2/15/2021
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
Date Reported: 11/6/2024
Reported by: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 11/6/2024
Location: On & Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 12/2/2024
Sanction Date: 12/2/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through March 15, 2024.
- Educational Sanctions:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, New Member Education Committee, and Recruitment Team for the spring 2025 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL and National Headquarters (NHQ) regarding the Chapter’s new member (NM) education program for the spring 2025 semester and update the new member education plan accordingly. This should be completed by 1/17/2025.
- The Chapter shall complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop with the Hazing Prevention Team. A minimum of 80% of members and new members must be present and it must be completed by 2/15/2025.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, New Member Education Team, & Recruitment Committee shall meet with OSFL and National Headquarters (NHQ) to review and discuss their NM education plan for the Fall 2025 semester, this shall be completed by 6/1/2025.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
Date Reported: 9/14/2022
Reported by: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/14/2022
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/2/2022
Sanction Date: 11/2/2022
- Disciplinary Probation through May 17, 2023.
- Educational Sanctions:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education committee shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss new member developments, planning, and education through May 17, 2023.
- For one of the Chapter’s monthly meetings with OSFL, the chapter will discuss and develop a transition plan by December 15, 2022.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education Committee shall complete the VolsGrow Online Module by November 11, 2022.
- The Chapter previously completed UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop in the spring 2022 semester so they shall attend a follow-up hazing education workshop by December 1, 2022.
- The chapter shall develop a true New Member Education plan that involves ways for new members and active members to bond without hazing by January 13, 2023.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education committee shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss new member developments, planning, and education through May 17, 2023.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 4/17/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
Date Reported: 4/28/2021
Reported by: Student
Investigation Start Date: 4/28/2021
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 5/10/2021
Sanction Date: 5/10/2021
- Warning
- Educational Sanctions:
- The Chapter’s Event Planning Committee should meet with OSFL to discuss event planning an management by August 13, 2021.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date(s) of Incident: Spring 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (25) Violations of Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 04/01/2021
Reported By: Student
Investigation Start Date: 04/01/2021
Location: On Campus
Case Resolved On: 8/11/2021
The Chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 8/11/2021 and agreed to the following:
- The Division of Student Life and Chi Phi NHQ entered into a MOU to support the closure and lay out a path for a successful return. The earliest date the Chapter is eligible to return to UTK is fall 2022.
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person(s)
Date Reported: 9/16/2022
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/16/2022
Location: Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 6/21/2023
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 6/21/2023 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 7/1/2023
- Educational Sanctions:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board will meet with OSFL to discuss risk mitigation strategies and safety at events by 7/15/2023
- The Chapter will participate in the International Fraternity’s Associate Member Onboarding Program from Fall 2023 and beyond. A detailed new member education plan is due by 8/1/2023.
- The Chapter’s New Member Education team and Executive Board will attend a meeting with OSFL to discuss policies and the member education program by 8/1/2023.
- The Associate Member Onboarding program and activities developed by the Chapter must be reviewed by the Fraternity Staff prior to any Associate Member Onboarding activities and prior to 8/1/2023.
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date(s) of Incident: Fall and Spring 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) x2 Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (14) Fire Safety
- (21) Conduct Related to Drugs
- (25) x3 Violation of Sanctions
Date Reported: Ongoing from previous case
Reported By: UT Staff & UT Student
Investigation Start Date: Ongoing from previous case
Location: On and Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 03/02/2021*
The Chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 3/2/2021 and agreed to the following:
- Remain on Suspension/Cease and Desist until December 1, 2021
- During Spring and Fall 2021, the chapter may only host events to complete sanctions and hold limited brotherhood events with approval of OSFL, Advisors, and Delta Tau Delta Central Office.
- Loss of privilege – the chapter is restricted from living in any on-campus facility (including, but not limited to, the chapter’s current facility at 1844 Fraternity Park Drive) until Fall 2025.
- The Alumni Supervisory Committee (ASC) will supervise all chapter operations moving forward.
- Membership review performed by the Delta Tau Delta Central Office and ASC.
- Complete the Chapter Development Program and Action Plan.
- After suspension has been lifted, the chapter will return on Deferred Suspension for no less than one semester and Disciplinary Probation for no less than two additional semesters.
*On 2/23/2022 Delta Tau Delta National Headquarters (NHQ) voted to withdraw the charter of Delta Delta Chapter at the University of Tennessee due to the Chapter not fulfilling the terms of their Alternative Resolution. The Division of Student Life entered into a MOU to extend the suspension and outline the Chapter’s successful return in the spring 2024 semester.
Date of Incident: 08/24/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (23) Failure to Respond, Comply or Identify
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions
Date Reported: 08/24/2020
Reported By: Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 08/25/2020
Location: On campus
Notice of Charges Date: 09/22/20
Sanction Date: 09/22/20
- Deferred Suspension 12/01/20
- Disciplinary Probation 05/15/21
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege – cannot co-host, host, and/or participate in any in-person events
- The following exceptions are permitted
- Philanthropy events
- Philanthropy committee meetings
- Exec. committee meetings
- Initiation
- Chapters members shall complete online COVID-19 Safety Education
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
- The following exceptions are permitted
Council: Interfraternity Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (25) Violation of Interim Actions, Sanctions, Conditions
Date Reported: 10/23/2020
Reported by: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/23/2020
Location: On & Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 12/11/2020
Sanction Date: 12/11/2020
- On 12/11/2020 UTK and Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office (NAO) collaboratively made the decision to suspend the Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpha. The Division of Student Life and Kappa Alpha NAO have entered into a MOU to support the suspension and lay out a path for a successful return. The earliest date the Chapter can return to UTK is Spring 2025.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement/MOU with National Administrative Office
Date of Incident: 08/24/20
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct
- (23) Failure to Respond, Comply or Identify
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions or Conditions of Re-Enrollment
Date Reported: 08/24/2020
Reported by: Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 08/25/2020
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 09/19/2020
Sanction Date: 09/21/2020
- Deferred Suspension until 12/01/2020
- Disciplinary Probation – effective immediately until 09/15/21
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege – cannot co-host, host, and/or participate in any in-person events
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege – restricted to virtual events only
- Educational Activity – Chapter members shall complete online COVID-19 Safety Education.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement.
Date of Incident: 10/30/2019
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct
- (10) Hazing
Date Reported:11/15/2019
Reported by: UT Staff, Parent
Investigation Start Date: 1/22/2018
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/25/2020
Sanction Date: 3/12/2020
- No more than five (5) social events per semester while on probation
- All social events reviews with OSFL and/or HQ
- All social events must undergo a post review
- OSFL, HQ must review all new member processes, informal and formal
- Hosting of ‘The Mask You Live In’ documentary with reflection papers
- Hazing educational sessions
- Chapter session on difficult conversations
- Active bystander education presentation
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to an Underage Person
Date Reported: 11/29/2021
Reported By: Anonymous
Investigation Start Date: 11/29/2021
Location: Off-campus, multiple locations
Interim Action:
On 12/3/2021, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was placed on interim administrative actions for all activities and operations by the University of Tennessee to ensure the safety and well-being of all members.
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/10/2022
Notice of Sanctions Date: 3/10/2022
The Interim Action was replaced by the following sanctions:
On 3/10/2022 the Mu Rho Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. accepted the University of Tennessee’s recommendation to suspend the chapter. The Division of Student Life and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., International Headquarters (HQ) will enter into a MOU to support the suspension and lay out a path for a successful return. The earliest date the Chapter is eligible to return is spring 2027.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement/MOU with National Headquarters
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
- (25) Violation of Interim Administration Actions
Date Reported: 9/5/2024
Reported By: UTPD
Investigation Start Date: 9/5/2024
Location: On & Off Campus
Interim Action: On September 5, 2024, Kappa Sigma was placed on interim administrative action for all activities and operations by the University of Tennessee to ensure the safety and well-being of all members.
Notice of Allegations Date: 10/29/2024
Sanction Date: 10/29/2024
- Deferred Suspension through 3/1/2024.
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/1/2025.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege:
- The Chapter is restricted from all Chapter activities until the completion of a membership review facilitated by HQs. The only exception to this restriction shall be participation in the membership review, Chapter meetings, and educational sanctions. Any membership review meetings, Chapter meetings, or educational activities are required to have an Advisor, HQ’s representative, and/or OSFL staff member present.
- Per Kappa Sigma HQ’s, all members of the chapter will meet with staff
from HQs and Fraternity volunteers to discuss their active membership in the Lambda Chapter. Each member’s status will be reviewed to determine if they will be permitted to remain an active member or if membership status changes may be warranted (Ex.; Temporary Suspension, Suspension of Membership, Expulsion). This will be completed by 12/15/2024. - Following the completion of the membership review facilitated by HQs, the Chapter will be permitted to host three (3) brotherhood events during the Fall 2024 semester. The three (3) brotherhood events may not be hosted at the Chapter’s on-campus facility.
- Beginning Spring 2025, the Chapter may have unlimited brotherhood events. These are events planned and attended by brothers within the Chapter and must be events without alcohol.
- After completion of Deferred Suspension (March 1, 2025) and following the completion of all outstanding educational activities, the Chapter will be eligible to host social events again. However, the Chapter will be restricted to hosting five (5) social events with alcohol during the
spring 2025 semester.
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter shall to complete the following HQs’ online
education modules through Tightrope: (1) The Facts About Alcohol and Other Drugs; (2) The Culture of Drinking; (3) Hazing Awareness and Being a Safe Student; (4) Healthy Relationships and Sexual
Misconduct; and (5) Mental Health. A minimum of 90% of new members and active members must complete the modules by 12/15/2024. - The Chapter shall engage in a Redevelopment Program to engage engage officers and the full Chapter in redefining a variety of Chapter operations and will require multiple meetings throughout each month. An initial meeting with the Chapter’s Executive Board will include a
culture assessment and goal setting activity and should occur upon completion of the membership review process. The Chapter President shall work with OSFL and an HQs staff member, to develop a successful training and meeting structure. The meeting structure and timeline for the redevelopment program must be submitted to SCCS, HQs, and OSFL by 1/15/2025. Following, documentation will be submitted monthly through the Chapter’s completion of Disciplinary Probation. - Chapter will participate in HQ’s standardized Member Education Program for the Spring 2025 term and beyond. The Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council officers for the Spring 2025 semester shall discuss the Chapter’s member education programming for the Spring 2025 semester. This plan is due by 1/15/2025.
- Following the completion of the Tightrope online modules, the
Chapter shall participate in a hazing prevention and education workshop. This program should be coordinated with the Chair of the Hazing Prevention Team and HQs staff, have a minimum of 90% of new and active members present, and be completed by 2/1/2025. - Following the completion of the Tightrope online modules, the
Chapter shall participate in a risk management reset workshop coordinated and facilitated by OSFL and HQs staff. The program will
focus primarily on risk management strategies; safe social event practices; alcohol and drug education; creating a healthy and safe member experience; and the importance of each member doing their part to maintain the safety and welfare of attendees at Chapter-sponsored events. This program should have a minimum of 90% of new and active members present, and be completed by 3/1/2025.
- The Chapter shall to complete the following HQs’ online
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: Throughout fall 2021 semester
Reported By: Various
Investigation Start Date: 11/1/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Interim Action: On November 2, 2021, Kappa Sigma was placed on a suspension for all activities and operations by the National Headquarters for violations of health, safety, and/or welfare of others. The University mirrored and supported this by issuing University interim action.
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/12/2022
Sanction Date: 2/12/2022
The Interim Action was replaced by the following sanctions:
- Deferred Suspension through 6/1/2022.
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/15/2022.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol.
- Chapter has the ability to earn back social events without alcohol and three (3) social events with alcohol starting 4/15/2022.
Educational Activities:
- When social events are permitted, chapter will meet with OSFL to plan and debrief social events with alcohol during Spring 2022.
- All events are to be registered and approved through OSFL’s VOLink registration process.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter from 02/2022 through 12/2022.
- The Chapter will complete “Finding Common Ground,” an online
empathy training program by 3/15/2022. - The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal
accountability plan by 3/15/2022. - The Chapter will participate in an educational workshop with
OSFL to address chapter operations as it relates to health and
safety, brotherhood development, bystander intervention, internal accountability, and ethical decision making 4/1/2022. - The Chapter will complete UTK’s Sober Monitor Training by 4/15/2022.
- The Chapter will complete UTK’s Hazing EDU Workshop by 5/21/2022.
- The Chapter will develop a Member Education plan and attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL by 7/1/2022.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 10/27/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (27) Violation of University Policy or Rule
Date Reported: 10/29/2023
Reported By: Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/29/2023
Location: Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity House
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/2/2024
Sanction Date: 2/8/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 6/1/2024
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s New Member Education Committee and Executive Board shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL to discuss the Chapter’s NM program for the spring and fall 2024 semesters, specifically addressing how the Chapter will remove alcohol from the NM experience and redevelop traditions to be more in line with the organization’s values. Additionally, the group will discuss the OSFL event registration policies, general risk management strategies, and both the University and International Organization’s expectations for the Chapter. Documentation of the meeting must be submitted to SCCS no later than March 5, 2024.
- Chapter leadership will review the OSFL’s event registration policies, general risk management strategies, and both the University and International Organization’s expectations for the Chapter with the general Chapter membership. Documentation of the meeting must be submitted to SCCS no later than March 5, 2024.
- The Chapter shall complete the “Mock Trial Program” with a minimum of 80% attendance. The Chapter should work with the OSFL and the Lambda Chi Alpha Office of Administration to schedule & complete the program by May 1, 2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board shall host monthly meetings with the OSFL to identify opportunities for improvements in the Chapter’s operations and develop a list of goals for how the Chapter can continue to reduce risk, focus on values, and be a leader within the IFC and campus communities.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
Date of Incident: Spring 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 4/29/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 4/29/2023
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 8/11/2023
Sanction Date: 8/11/2023
- Disciplinary Probation until 12/15/2023
- Educational Activities:
- Chapter’s Executive Board shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss chapter operations, member education, and event management through 12/15/2023.
- For one monthly meeting, Executive Board and any other officers over social event planning shall participate in an educational conversation centering on event management and registration from a compliance and policy perspective by 9/1/2023.
- For one monthly meeting the chapter leaders should discuss and work with OSFL to develop an action plan for addressing high-risk behavior and keeping members and guests safe by 10/1/2023.
- The chapter shall participate in a “risk management reset” workshop facilitated by OSFL by 10/15/2023.
- Chapter’s Executive Board shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss chapter operations, member education, and event management through 12/15/2023.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
Date Reported: Various
Reported By: Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 11/17/2023
Location: On Campus
Interim Action:
- On November 17, 2023, Phi Delta Theta was placed on interim administrative action for all activities and operations by the University of Tennessee in collaboration with the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters to ensure the safety and well-being of all members.
Notice of Allegations Date: N/A
Sanction Date: 12/7/2023
The Interim Action was replaced by the following sanctions:
- A decision was made by Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters (GHQ) to suspend the charter of the Tennessee Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta effective December 7, 2023. The University and GHQ entered into an MOU to support the suspension and lay out a path for a successful return. The earliest date the Chapter is eligible to return to UTK is Fall 2028.
Hearing Type: MOU with National Headquarters
Date of Incident: Fall 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions, or Conditions of Re-Enrollment
Date Reported: 9/8/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/8/2023
Location: On/ Off Campus
Interim Action: On September 18, 2023, Phi Delta Theta was placed on interim administrative actions for all activities and operations by the University of Tennessee in collaboration with the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters to ensure the safety and well-being of all members. There was an exception made for virtual meeting(s) during this time.
Notice of Allegations Date: 10/16/2023
Sanction Date: 10/16/2023
The Interim Action was replaced by the following sanctions:
- Deferred Suspension through 2/5/2024.
- Disciplinary Probation through 9/1/2024.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol.
- Chapter has the ability to earn back social events without alcohol and ten (5) social events with alcohol for the spring 2024 semester starting 2/5/2024.
Educational Activities:
- All members of the chapter must meet with representatives of GHQ and Fraternity volunteers to discuss their active membership in the chapter. GHQ and volunteers will review each member’s status to determine if they will be permitted to remain an active member or if membership status changes may be warranted. GHQ will assess the need for leadership changes during the membership review and will respond accordingly. This will be completed by 12/1/2023.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting upon completion of the membership review process and ending in September 2024.
- Chapter will participate in IHQ’s standardized Phikeia Education Program for Spring 2024 term and beyond. For one of these monthly meetings, the Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council officers for the fall 2023 semester shall discuss the Chapter’s member education programming for the spring 2024 semester. Due by 1/19/2024.
- Following the completion of GHQ’s Social Chair and Risk Manager training modules, the Chapter’s Risk Management Committee and Social Chairs must meet with OSFL to discuss risk mitigation strategies and health and safety as it relates to chapter operations by 2/1/2024.
- The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the Spring 2024 semester and beyond. For one of these monthly meetings Chapter leaders must engage in an educational conversation to develop and implement their accountability board. Due by 3/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, New Member Education Committee, and Recruitment Team for the fall 2024 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL regarding recruitment strategies and new member education program for the fall 2024 semester. This must be completed by 3/1/2024.
- The chapter will attend an educational, redevelopment retreat coordinated by GHQ and the University. 90% of members and 100% of Executive Council must attend and it will be completed by 1/22/2024.
- The chapter shall completed GHQ’s online Hazing Intervention course. A minimum of 90% of new members and active members will complete this by 1/22/2024.
- The chapter’s Risk Management Committee and Social Chairs shall complete GHQ’s online Social Chair and Risk Manager training modules by 2/1/2024.
- The chapter shall complete GHQ’s Bystander Education course. A minimum of 90% of new members and active members must complete this by 3/1/2024.
- Following the completion of GHQ’s Bystander Education and Hazing Intervention modules, the Chapter shall participate in a “Risk Management Reset” workshop coordinated by GHQ and OSFL. 90% of active and new members must be present, and 100% of the Executive Council must attend. This should be completed by 3/8/2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board shall meet with representatives from SCCS, OSFL, and GHQ to discuss the ways in which the chapter has seen improvements and/or changes throughout the course of the educational activities. The chapter will work with OSFL to develop a document detailing the ways the Chapter has improved and any areas that there are still opportunities for growth. This meeting must occur no later than 6/1/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Spring 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (3) Misuse of Information in Connection with University Investigation or Hearing
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 5/25/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 5/25/2023
Location: On & Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 8/4/2023
Sanction Date: 8/4/2023
- Disciplinary Probation until 3/1/2024
- Educational Activities:
- Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council
officers for the fall 2023 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL by 8/22/2023. - Chapter should complete Bystander Intervention Training with OSFL by 9/3/2023. A minimum of 80% of the chapter should be present.
- Chapter should complete UTK’s VolsREACH Module by 9/12/2023. A minimum of 80% of members should complete the module.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and Social Chairs must meet with OSFL to discuss risk mitigation strategies and health and safety as it relates to Chapter operations by 9/29/2023.
- Chapter should complete HazingEDU by 10/3/2023. A minimum of 80% of the chapter should be present.
- The Chapter is required to review and revise their internal accountability plan with OSFL by 11/1/2023.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education Committee shall work with OSFL to plan and execute a transition workshop for outgoing and incoming officers by 12/15/2023.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education Committee for the spring 2024 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation
with OSFL regarding the chapter’s new member education program for the spring 2024 semester by 2/1/2024.
- Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 9/18/2021, 9/19/2021, & 10/5/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 9/18/2021
Reported By: UT Staff, Headquarters
Investigation Start Date: 9/20/2021
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/4/2021
Sanction Date: 11/12/2021
- Deferred suspension until 2/21/2022
- Disciplinary Probation until 9/6/2022
- Loss or restriction of privileges: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol until summer 2022
- Chapter has the ability to earn back five (5) social events with alcohol and social events starting on 2/21/2022.
- Educational Activities:
- All events are to be registered and approved through OSFL’s VOLink registration process
- When social events are permitted, chapter will meet with to plan social events with alcohol during Spring 2022
- Develop and follow an internal accountability plan with approval and instruction from OSFL and HQ. Chapter will update on progress monthly until 9/6/2022
- 100% of the chapter will complete HQ Leadership in Action – Health & Safety Prevention PDTU Module by 1/15/2022
- Chapter will engage in a facilitated conversation about Health and Safety with OSFL and/or HQ with 90% of chapter by 2/15/2022
- New member education committee will meet with OSFL to discuss spring new member education process by 1/30/2021
- New member education committee will host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss new member process through Spring 2022
- Executive Board will host monthly meetings with OSFL for updated on health and safety until 5/21/2022
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 9/18/2021 & 10/1/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating: (Standards of conduct determined by Phi Delta Theta Headquarters)
- Violation of the terms of Phi Delta Theta Province President Probation and risk management policies
Date Reported: 9/18/2021
Reported By: Phi Delta Theta Headquarters
Investigation Start Date: n/a
Location: Chapter House
Interim Action: On October 19, 2021 Phi Delta Theta Province President issued a suspension of chapter operations.
Notice of Allegations Date: n/a
Sanction Date: 10/19/2021
Sanction(s) issued by Phi Delta Theta Headquarters:
The Headquarters Suspension was replaced by the following sanctions:
- Conditions of Phi Delta Theta Province President (PP) Probation
- Chapter operations:
- Interim suspension of all chapter activity until chapter elections
- Reorganization of Chapter Advisory Board
- Officer elections will be moved to 10/22/2021
- All members interested in leadership roles will be interviewed by HQ and PP
- Social Probation, no social activity in any capacity, until 12/31/2021
- Membership commitment to Fraternity Policy:
- Membership commitment meeting with all members of the chapter by 10/20/2021
- New member education and initiation:
- Suspension of all new member activity until all new members have completed HQ approved final assignments and initiation date has been selected
- Leadership Development:
- Chapter will participate in HQ-sponsored Chapter Operations and Leadership Development Trainings on 10/21/2021
- Chapter will participate in “Turning Tragedy into Progress” training
- All newly elected officers will complete the “Leadership in Action” and respective officer trainings within 1 week of installation
- University Partnership:
- Chapter shall not violate current or future sanctions from HQ or the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
- Chapter will seek to develop and improve internal accountability practices
- All brothers will participate in OSFL-sponsored “Love, Mom & Dad” program on 10/19/2021
- The newly elected officers will complete 3 leadership development programs utilizing the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life, the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, and the Jones Center for Leadership and Service.
- Chapter operations:
- Conditions of Phi Delta Theta Province President (PP) Probation
Hearing Type: n/a
Date of Incident: 2/13/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person(s)
Date Reported: 3/31/2021
Reported By: UTK Student
Investigation Start Date: 4/1/2021
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 6/30/2021
Sanction Date: 7/7/2021
- Deferred Suspension – End: Sept. 1, 2021
- Disciplinary Probation – End: May 21, 2022
- Restricted to brotherhood events only – End: Oct. 1, 2021
- Earn back 5 social events for fall – Start: Oct. 1, 2021
- Internal Accountability Plan – Due: Aug. 2, 2021
- New Member Education plan – Due: Aug. 2, 2021
- UTK’s HazingEdu – Due: Aug. 17, 2021
- Roundtable with SCCS &/or OSFL RE: Code Violations – Due: Aug. 17, 2021
- Exec Board Conversation with CHEW – Due: Sept. 1, 2021
- Event Management Conversation with OSFL – Due: Sept. 10, 2021
- HQs’ Bystander Intervention Module/Workshop- Due: Sept. 19, 2021
- CHEW Bystander Intervention Workshop – Due: Oct. 1, 2021
- New Member Education Committee Monthly Meetings – Start: July 2021 & end: conclusion of NM process; Documentation due: Dec. 1, 2021
- New Member Education Committee Spring Training – Due: Feb. 1, 2022
- Event Reviewal (& Registration) with OSFL & HQ – End: May 21, 2022
- Per Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters, the chapter will be placed on Province President Probation until such a time as the Province President determines that all requirements of probation have been completed – Starting Summer of 2021
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2023 & Spring 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
- (25) Violation of Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 2/21/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 2/21/2024
Location: Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 5/3/2024
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 5/3/2024 and agreed to the following:
- Deferred Suspension until 9/1/2024
- Disciplinary Probation until 3/1/2025
- Restricted to brotherhood events only (events without alcohol) until 9/1/2024. Exceptions will be made for registered and approved recruitment events. All recruitment events must be dry.
- After 9/1/2024 and following the completion of all outstanding education activities, the chapter will be eligible to host social events. The Chapter will be restricted to hosting 8 social event with alcohol during the fall 2024 semester.
- Educational Sanctions:
- For the chapter’s first social event with alcohol in the fall 2024 semester, the individuals responsible for organizing the event agree to meet with OSFL prior to hosting the event and again within 7 business days following the event. This must be completed by 10/1/2024.
- Members of Kappa Tau will meet with an external consultant designated by Phi Gamma Delta IHQ and Fraternity volunteers to discuss their active membership in the chapter. Each members’ status will be reviewed to determine if they will be permitted to remain an active member or if membership status change will be warranted. This review will be completed no later than 9/1/2024.
- Chapter will engage in a redevelopment program with OSFL to discuss health, safety, and overall Chapter operations. This will begin following the completion of the Chapter’s membership review process and end upon the completion of the Chapter’s period of Disciplinary Probation. This program will include a variety meetings on comprehensive topics effecting the Chapter’s operations.
- The Chapter will participate in IHQ’s standardized new member education program for the fall 2024 semester and beyond. The Chapter’s Cabinet, New Member Education Committee, and Recruitment Team for the fall 2024 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL and an IHQ staff member to discuss the Chapter’s member education, including recruitment strategies by 7/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall participate in a “Risk Management Reset” workshop coordinated by OSFL and IHQ. A minimum of 90% of active and new members must be present and it shall be completed by 10/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board agrees to meet with representatives from SCCS, OSFL, and IHQ to discuss the ways in which the chapter has seen improvements and/or changes through the course of the educational activities. The Executive Board will work with OSFL to develop a document detailing the ways they have improved and what areas of growth still exist. This meeting must occur no later than 12/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s outgoing and incoming Executive Boards, Social Event Planning Teams, and Risk Management Teams shall meet with OSFL for a transition workshop. This meeting must be completed by 1/15/2025.
Date of Incident: 11/16/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (11) Disorderly Conduct
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions or Conditions of Re-Enrollment
Date Reported: 11/16/2023
Reported By: UTPD
Investigation Start Date: 11/16/2023
Location: Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity House
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/30/2024
Sanction Date: 1/30/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 6/1/2024
Educational Activities:
- The Chapter is required to meet with OSFL and develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the spring 2024 semester and beyond by 3/1/2024
- The Chapter shall complete the “Mock Trial Program” with OSFL and the International Headquarters (IHQ) by 5/1/2024.The Chapter’s Cabinet and Judicial Board shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety and chapter accountability.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Spring 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Date Reported: 2/18/2023
Reported By: Various
Investigation Start Date: 2/18/2023
Location: On/ Off Campus
Interim Action: On 2/24/2023, Phi Gamma Delta was placed on a temporary suspension by the National Headquarters for possible violations of the Fraternity’s Bylaws. The University mirrored and supported this by issuing University interim restrictions.
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/13/2023
Sanction Date: 3/13/2023
The Interim Action was replaced by the following sanctions:
- Deferred Suspension through 6/1/2023.
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/15/2023.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege: Phi Gamma Delta IHQ is placing the chapter on a Trusteeship.
- All recruitment activities shall be overseen by the Graduate Trustees and supported by IHQ. All recruitment, member development, and all other programming must be approved by the Graduate Trustees.
- All newly appointed Chapter leaders shall attend all Phi Gamma Delta National Leadership Programs.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol.
- Chapter has the ability to earn back social events without alcohol and ten (10) social events with alcohol for the fall 2023 semester starting 8/1/2023.
Educational Activities:
- All members of the chapter must meet with representatives of the Trusteeship and/or the IHQ to discuss their active membership in the chapter. IHQ and Trustees will review each member’s status to determine if they will be permitted to remain an active member or if membership status changes may be warranted. Membership review will be completed by 6/1/2023.
- The chapter will attend an educational, redevelopment retreat coordinated by IHQ and the University. 90% of members and 100% of Executive Council must attend and it will be completed by 6/15/2023.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting upon completion of the membership review process and ending in December 2023.
- Chapter will participate in IHQ’s standardized Member Education Program for the Fall 2023 term and beyond. For one of these monthly meetings, the Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council officers for the fall 2023 semester shall discuss the Chapter’s member education programming for the fall 2023 semester. Due by 8/1/2023.
- The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the fall 2023 semester and beyond. For one of these monthly meetings Chapter leaders must engage in an educational conversation to develop and implement their accountability board. Due by 8/1/2023.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 8/22/2020, 8/24/2020, 9/12/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
Date Reported: 9/12/2020
Reported By: UT student
Investigation Start Date: 9/12/2020
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/27/2020
Sanction Date: 12/1/2020
- Loss of recognition/privileges – the chapter is not permitted to host in-person events until 2/1/2021
- Disciplinary probation until 5/1/2021
- Educational activity – COVID-19 Safety Education through Center of Health Education & Wellness
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 8/24/2019, 8/31/2019
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (19) Alcohol related conduct prohibited by law
- (25) Violation of interim actions, sanctions, conditions
Date Reported: 8/25/2019
Reported By: UTPD
Investigation Start Date: 8/29/2019
Location: On and Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/16/2020
Sanction Date: 5/8/2020
- Educational Activities:
- Executive board meets with OSFL before and after each social event hosted by chapter
- Risk management, alcohol awareness, and social safety event planning with OSFL and UTPD
- Fire safety education with KFD, Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
- Educational Activities:
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) x2 Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) x2 Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Date Reported: 10/4/2022
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/4/2022
Location: On/ Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/16/2022
Sanction Date: 11/16/2022
- Deferred Suspension until 2/15/2023.
- Disciplinary Probation until 12/15/2023.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol until 2/15/2023.
- Following 2/15/2023 the chapter has the ability to earn back (5) social events with alcohol for the spring 2023 term.
- Educational Sanctions:
- When social events are permitted, chapter will meet with OSFL to plan and debrief social events with alcohol during Spring 2023.
- All events are to be registered and approved through OSFL’s VOLink registration process.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter from 11/2022 through 12/2023.
- During the November monthly meeting, the Executive Board and New Member Education Committee will work with OSFL to plan and execute a transition workshop.
- During the December monthly meeting, the Executive Board and New Member Education team will develop a robust Member Education plan that involves ways for new members and active members to bond without alcohol or hazing and review it with OSFL.
- During the January monthly meeting, the Chapter’s Executive Board will work to further develop internal accountability and update the expectations and operations of the Judicial Committee.
- The Chapter’s incoming and outgoing Executive Boards shall complete the Vols ACT Online Module by 12/15/2022.
- Chapter’s Executive Board for the Spring 2023 semester will complete the Officer 101 education modules through Phi Kappa Psi Headquarters by 2/15/2023.
- The Chapter shall attend an educational, redevelopment retreat facilitated by Phi Kappa Psi General Headquarters (HQs) and the University by 2/15/2023. 90% of the Chapter is expected to attend.
- The Chapter shall participate in a mock social event facilitated by OSFL by March 20, 2023. 90% of active and new members must be present.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Spring & Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 10/13/2021
Reported By: UT Student
Investigation Start Date: 10/13/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 2/11/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 2/11/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 6/1/2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations and cover the following:
- Discuss and build a program around mentorship and what it means to be an supportive “Big Brother.”
- Develop and follow and internal accountability board/ plan.
- Complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop by 3/15/2022.
- Complete OSFL’s Sober Monitor Training by 6/1/2022.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations and cover the following:
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 9/19/2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct (On-Campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 9/18/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/18/2024
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 10/15/2024
Sanction Date: 10/15/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 5/15/2025
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege
- The Chapter will be restricted to hosting 7 social events with alcohol during the remainder of the fall 2024 semester. These events must be registered through OSFL.
- Educational Sanctions:
- Chapter’s Executive Board must meet with OSFL monthly to identify opportunities for improvement in the Chapter’s operations and develop a list of goals for how the Chapter can continue to reduce risk, focus on values, and be a leader within the IFC and campus communities. These will begin in October 2024 and conclude at the end of Disciplinary Probation.
- The Chapter’s Social Event Planning Committee and Executive
Board shall attend a facilitated conversation with the OSFL to discuss the OSFL’s event registration policies, general risk
management strategies, and both the University and International Organization’s expectations for the Chapter. This meeting can serve as one of the monthly meetings and must occur before 11/1/2024. - The Chapter’s New Member Education Committee and Executive
Board shall attend a facilitated conversation with the OSFL to discuss the Chapter’s NM program for the spring and fall 2025
semesters. This meeting can serve as one of the monthly meetings and must occur before 12/1/2024. - The Chapter’s outgoing and incoming Executive Boards, Social
Event Planning Teams, and Risk Management Teams shall meet with the OSFL for a transition workshop. This meeting can serve as one of the monthly meetings and must occur before 1/15/2024.
- The Chapter’s Social Event Planning Committee and Executive
- The Chapter shall attend an educational, redevelopment retreat
coordinated and facilitated by OSFL. Every attempt for 100% participation is expected; however, a minimum of 90% of members must be present and 100% of the Executive Council must attend. This workshop must be completed by 12/1/2024.
- Chapter’s Executive Board must meet with OSFL monthly to identify opportunities for improvement in the Chapter’s operations and develop a list of goals for how the Chapter can continue to reduce risk, focus on values, and be a leader within the IFC and campus communities. These will begin in October 2024 and conclude at the end of Disciplinary Probation.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 2022 – 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (6) Harassment
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 12/14/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 12/14/2023
Location: On & Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/20/2024
Sanction Date: 3/20/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 7/1/2024
- Educational Sanctions:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board shall participate in an educational conversation with OSFL centering on creating a healthy Chapter culture in preparation for the Chapter-wide educational 4/15/2024.
- The Chapter shall attend a workshop facilitated by the Office of Title IX on healthy relationships; general sexual misconduct education; bystander intervention; and the importance of each member doing their part to maintain the safety and welfare of both members and guests. 80% of active and new members must be present and it should be completed by 5/15/2024.
- The Chapter shall attend a workshop facilitated by the Program Director for Inclusive Excellence, and/or their designee, to discuss creating and promoting a healthy Chapter culture. The program will focus primarily on the impact versus intent of behavior and language; bystander intervention; individual and group accountability; promoting and recruiting through the Chapter’s values; and the importance of each member doing their part to maintain the safety and welfare of both members and guests. 80% of active and new members must be present and it should be completed by 9/1/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Spring 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 5/1/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 5/1/2023
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 5/23/2023
Sanction Date: 5/23/2023
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/15/2023.
- Educational Sanctions:
- Chapter’s Executive Board must meet with OSFL to discuss risk mitigation strategies and health and safety as it relates to Chapter operations by 7/1/2023.
- Chapter shall develop and implement a robust new member education plan. The Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council Officers shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL regarding member education programming for the fall 2023 by August 1, 2023.
- Chapter’s New Member Education Committee shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss new member developments, planning and education beginning in August 2023 and ending following the completion of new member programming and initiation in the fall 2023 semester.
- The Chapter shall complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop by 9/15/2023.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 10/19/2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct On-Campus
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 10/20/2022
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/20/2022
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/21/2022
Sanction Date: 11/21/2022
- Disciplinary Probation through May 17, 2023.
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board shall complete the Vols ACT Online Module by 11/23/2022.
- The Chapter leadership will work with OSFL to develop and follow an internal accountability plan by 12/15/2022.
- The shall participate in a mock social event facilitated by OSFL with their homecoming partner, Sigma Kappa, by 3/1/2023. 80% of the chapter must be in attendance.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct on Campus
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (25) Violation of Disciplinary Sanctions
- (27) Violation of Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 9/30/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/30/2024
Location: On/Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 10/31/2024
Sanction Date: 10/31/2024
- Deferred Suspension through 2/1/2025.
- Disciplinary Probation through 9/15/2025
Loss or Restriction of Privilege:
- Chapter is restricted to brotherhood events only until 2/1/2025. These are events planned and attended by brothers and must be events without alcohol. The only exceptions will be made for recruitment events that are registered and approved with OSFL and IHQ. These events must be dry.
- After 2/1/2025 and upon conclusion of the Chapter’s membership review facilitated by IHQ, the Chapter will be eligible to host social events again. The Chapter will be restricted to 13 social events with alcohol during the spring 2025 semester.
Educational Activities:
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting in November 2024 and ending in September 2025
- Chapter will participate in IHQ’s standardized Cardinal Journey New Member Education Program for the Spring 2025 term and beyond. For the Spring 2025 semester, the Chapter will be required to complete the NME program in a 4-week period. For one of these monthly meetings, the Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council officers for the spring 2025 semester shall discuss the Chapter’s member education programming for the spring 2025 semester with OSFL and IHQ. Due by 1/15/2025.
- For one of the monthly meetings, the Chapter’s Executive Board, New Member (NM) Education Team, & Recruitment Committee shall meet with OSFL and IHQ to discuss NM Education plan for the Fall 2025 semester. Due 6/1/2025.
- The Chapter shall participate in a “Risk Management Reset” workshop coordinated and facilitated by IHQ and OSFL. The program will focus primarily on risk management strategies; safe social event practices; alcohol and drug education; creating a healthy and safe member experience; hazing prevention education; and the importance of each member doing their part to maintain the safety and welfare of attendees at Chapter-sponsored events. A minimum of 90% of active and new members must be present and this must be completed by 12/1/2024.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting in November 2024 and ending in September 2025
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Spring 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 2/4/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 2/4/2024
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/11/2024
Sanction Date: 3/11/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 9/1/2024.
Educational Activities:
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting in March 2024 and ending in September 2024.
- Chapter will participate in IHQ’s standardized Cardinal Journey New Member Education Program for the Spring 2024 term and beyond. For one of these monthly meetings, the Chapter’s New Member Educator and Executive Council officers for the spring 2024 semester shall discuss the Chapter’s member education programming for the spring 2024 semester with OSFL and IHQ. Due by 4/1/2024.
- Chapter’s Executive Board, Social Event Planning Team, and Risk Management Team shall work with OSFL to discuss events with alcohol as it relates to risk management strategies, event registration, and expectations for their entire membership during social events. Due by 5/1/2024.
- The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the spring 2024 semester and beyond. Chapter leadership shall meet with OSFL and IHQ to develop and implement their accountability board. Due by 7/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, Judicial Board, New Member Committee and Recruitment Committee shall meet with OSFL to review and discuss their New Member Education Plan for the Fall 2024 semester. Meeting and documentation of plan is due by 7/1/2024.
- Chapter shall compete IHQ’s online Tightrope Hazing Education Program. A minimum of 90% of new and active members must complete the program by 5/15/2024.
- Following the completion of the Tightrope Hazing Education Program, the Chapter shall complete UTK’s Hazing EDU Workshop with the Hazing Prevention Team. A minimum of 90% of new and active members must be present and it must be done by 5/15/2024.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting in March 2024 and ending in September 2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 8/14/2024, 8/18/2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (18) X2 Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (21) X2 Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
- (25) X2 Violation of Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 8/14/2024, 8/18/2024
Reported By: Staff
Investigation Start Date: 8/14/2024
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/20/2024
Sanction Date: 11/20/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 3/1/2025.
Educational Activities:
- The Chapter shall participate in an educational workshop facilitated by UTPD on event management as well as alcohol and other drug education,
particularly in relation to health and safety and compliance. 90% of new and active members must be present and must be completed by 12/15/2024.
- The Chapter’s incoming Executive Board, Judicial Board, and Social Event Planning Committee shall meet with OSFL for a transition workshop that discusses expectations, policies, and rules specifically addressing internal accountability; risk management strategies; and health and safety. Following the meeting, Chapter leadership shall develop a presentation to articulate the expectations, policies, and rules to the Chapter, including internal accountability steps for if a member
violates the rules. This shall be completed by 1/15/2025.
- Chapter leadership shall review the Chapter’s, University’s, and
National Organization’s expectations, policies, and rules with the general membership during a Chapter meeting. The presentation should specifically address, internal accountability, risk management strategies, Chapter operations and health and safety; event management strategies; and the use of the Chapter facility related alcohol and other drugs. 90% of new and active members must be present and must be completed by 2/1/2025.
- The Chapter shall participate in an educational workshop facilitated by UTPD on event management as well as alcohol and other drug education,
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (9) Private or Public Property
- (10) Hazing
- (11) Disorderly Conduct
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 10/26/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/26/2023
Location: On/ Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/18/2024
Sanction Date: 3/18/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/1/2024.
Educational Activities:
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting upon completion of the membership review process and ending in December 2024.
- The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the Spring 2024 semester and beyond. For one of these monthly meetings Chapter leaders must engage in an educational conversation to develop and implement their accountability board. Due by 5/15/2024.
- The Chapter’s Risk Management Committee and Social Chairs must meet with OSFL to discuss risk mitigation strategies and health and safety as it relates to chapter operations by 6/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s New Member Education Team and Executive
Council officers for the fall 2024 semester shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL regarding the Chapter’s member education
programming for the fall 2024 semester. Following the facilitated dialogue, the Chapter shall review and revise their New Member Education plan. The meeting and a detailed plan for fall 2024 is due by 7/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete Hazing EDU with the University’s Hazing Prevention Team. 90% of new and active members must be present and must be completed by 5/15/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete a Social Event Management Program
with HQ. 90% of new and active members must be present and it must be completed by 6/15/2024. - The Chapter’s Executive Board shall meet with representatives from SCCS, OSFL, and HQ to discuss the ways in which the chapter has seen improvements and/or changes throughout the course of the educational activities. The chapter will work with OSFL to develop a document detailing the ways the Chapter has improved and any areas that there are still opportunities for growth. This meeting must occur no later than 8/1/2024.
- The chapter will attend an educational, redevelopment retreat coordinated by HQ and the University. 90% of members and 100% of Executive Council must attend and it will be completed by 12/1/2024.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter starting upon completion of the membership review process and ending in December 2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 12/3/2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (19) Alcohol-related conduct prohibited by law
Date Reported: 12/6/2022
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 12/6/2022
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 01/23/2023
Sanction Date: 01/23/2023
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, as well as the individuals responsible for organizing social events with alcohol, must meet with the OSFL’s & NHQ to discuss risk mitigation strategies, health and safety, and event management rules and guidelines by 2/15/2023.
- The Chapter leadership will work with OSFL to develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the spring 2023 semester, specifically addressing what accountability looks like for attendees at social events with alcohol who do not follow guidelines in by 3/1/2023. .
- The Chapter members shall individually complete a virtual social event management program through the PIKE Health & Safety diversion asynchronous programs platform by 3/23/2023.
- Following the completion of the social event management module through PIKE’s Health & Safety diversion asynchronous programs platform, the Chapter shall participate in a mock social event facilitated by OSFL by March 23, 2023.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement.
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 9/22/2021
Reported By: Student
Investigation Start Date: 9/22/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 3/9/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 3/9/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 8/1/2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation. These meetings will cover the following:
- Brotherhood development plan that will be presented to the chapter by 4/1/2022.
- Internal accountability plan to be completed by 5/1/2022.
- Complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop by 5/1/2022.
- Complete OSFL’s Sober Monitor Training by 6/1/2022.
- Develop a New Member Education plan and attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL by 6/15/2022.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation. These meetings will cover the following:
Date of Incident: 08/24/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (18) Alcohol Related Content
- (23) Failure to Respond
- (27) Violation of University Policy or Rule
Date Reported: 8/26/2020
Reported By: Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/26/2020
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 09/15/20
Sanction Date: 09/15/20
- Disciplinary Probation effective immediately until 12/01/2020
- Chapter is not permitted to host, co-host, and/or participate in any in-person events
- The Chapter shall complete a bias education program with UTK’s Bias Education Coordinator and/or their designee. Documentation is due to SCCS, OSFL, and HQs no later than October 15, 2020.
- Chapter members shall complete online COVID-19 Safety
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement.
Date of Incident: Fall 2023 & Spring 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) x2 Alcohol-Related Conduct – University Property or University Activities
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) x2 Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Date Reported: 02/19/2024
Reported By: UT Staff
Investigation Start Date: 02/19/2024
Location: On & Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 03/22/2024
Sanction Date: 03/22/2024
- Disciplinary Probation until 12/1/2024
- Chapter will be restricted to hosting 3 social events with alcohol for the remainder of the spring 2024 semester.
- Chapter will be restricted to hosting 10 social events with alcohol during the fall 2024 semester.
Educational Activities:
- Chapter’s Executive Board will host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations. Meetings start in March 2024 and end upon conclusion of chapter’s disciplinary probation.
- Chapter’s Executive Board, Social Event Planning Team, and Risk Management Team shall work with OSFL to discuss events with alcohol as it related to risk management strategies, even registration, and expectations for their entire membership during social events by 4/15/2024.
- Following the facilitated dialogue with OSFL on social events, leadership agrees to facilitate a conversation with the Chapter’s membership around safe social event practices. 90% of new members and active members should be present and it should be completed by 5/15/2024,
- Chapter shall attend an educational, redevelopment retreat coordinated by OSFL. The retreat will include programs centered on Chapter culture and identity; risk management strategies; creating a healthy and safe member experience; hazing prevention education; alcohol and other drug education; and expectations from both the NHQ and University on being a successful, sustainable Chapter. 90% of new members and active members should be present and it should be completed by 5/15/2024,
- The Chapter shall participate in NHQ’s standardized New Member
Education Program for the Spring 2024 term and beyond. The Chapter shall develop a true New Member Education plan that involves ways for new members and active members to bond without hazing. The Chapter’s
Executive Board, Judicial Board, New Member (NM) Committee, and Recruitment Committee shall meet with OSFL’s & NHQ to review and discuss their NM Education plan for the Fall 2024 semester. This meeting should be completed by 7/1/2024,
- Chapter’s Executive Board will host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations. Meetings start in March 2024 and end upon conclusion of chapter’s disciplinary probation.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 03/21/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (25) Violation of Sanctions
Date Reported: 04/12/2021
Reported By: UT Staff Member, UT Student
Investigation Start Date: 4/13/2021
Location: On Campus
Case Resolved On: 6/14/2021
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 6/14/2021 and agreed to the following:
Sanction(s): The following outcomes within the Alternative Resolution were agreed to by the chapter:
- Suspension/Cease and Desist through the Fall of 2021
- Active status may be petitioned when all Headquarters and University expectations have been met no earlier than 12/15/2021
- Complete Chapter Remedial Action plan
- Once on active status, the chapter agrees to complete: Deferred Suspension for no less than one (1) semester and Disciplinary Probation for no less than two (2) semesters
- If the chapter is found in violation of sanctions again, the chapter will be placed on suspension for no less than five (5) years.
- Fill vacant advisory position by 12/1/2021
- While on Disciplinary Probation, all social events, both on-campus and off-campus, shall be registered and reviewed in advance with OSFL and NHQs a minimum of 14 business days in advance. This includes any event that has a social element to it. All social events must adhere to local, state, and University expectations; this includes OSFL policy & the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, all NHQ policies should be followed.
Date of Incident: Fall 2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others (x2)
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (25) Violation of Sanctions
Date Reported: 10/31/2020
Reported By: UT Police
Investigation Start Date: 11/1/2020
Location: On and Off Campus
Interim Action:
- On 11/10/2020, Pi Kappa Phi was placed on a suspension for all activities and operations by the National Headquarters and the University to ensure the safety and well-being of all members and the community at large.
Case Resolved On: 2/3/2021
The Chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 2/3/2021 and agreed to the following:
- Suspension/Cease and Desist through the summer of 2021
- Membership and leadership review conducted by National Headquarters
- Complete Chapter Remedial Action plan
- Deferred Suspension through Fall 2021
- Disciplinary Probation through Fall 2022
- Fill vacant advisory position by 12/1/2021
- When able, all social events will be reviewed with OSFL through Fall 2021
Date of Incident: 05/15/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (25) Violation of Interim Actions, Sanctions, and Conditions
Date Reported: 05/20/2020
Reported By: UT Staff
Investigation Start Date: 05/20/2020
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 05/20/2020
Sanction Date: 08/12/2020
- Chapter will remain on disciplinary probation until all sanctions are complete.
- This chapter will develop and present behavioral expectations for current and new members including expectations for all activities and events for the new member process. This will be approved by the OSFL, headquarters, and advisors.
- Members will participate in an alcohol bystander educational program.
- The chapter president is required to meet with OSFL three times a semester at minimum to discuss sanction progress, state of the chapter, and planning/goal setting.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 1/26/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Date Reported: 1/27/2023
Reported By: UTPD
Investigation Start Date: 1/27/2023
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/15/2023
Sanction Date: 3/15/2023
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter will work with OSFL to further develop and follow the Chapter’s internal accountability plan by 4/15/2023.
- The Chapter shall attend an educational program through the UTPD Community Relations Unit regarding risk mitigation strategies and bystander intervention. The chapter must have 90% of active and new members present and it should be completed by 5/1/2023.
- Educational Activities:
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) x 2 Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (25) x 2 Violations of Interim Actions, Sanctions, and Conditions
Date Reported: Throughout fall 2021 semester
Reported By: Various
Investigation Start Date: 9/8/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/10/2022
Sanction Date: 1/10/2022
- Deferred Suspension through 4/1/2022.
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/15/2022.
- Loss or Restriction of Privilege: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol.
- Chapter has the ability to earn back social events without alcohol and three (3) social events with alcohol starting 4/1/2022.
- Educational Activities:
- When social events are permitted, chapter will meet with OSFL to plan and debrief social events with alcohol during Spring 2022.
- All events are to be registered and approved through OSFL’s VOLink registration process
- Chapter will attend an educational, redevelopment retreat coordinated by SAE General Headquarters and the University. Topics covered will be health and safety best practices, hazing prevention education, bystander intervention, internal accountability, and expectations from both HQ and the University.
- Chapter will participate in HQ’s standardized Phoenix Member Education Program.
- Chapter’s Member Educator and Executive Council will meet with OSFL to review member education programming for the fall 2022 semester by 07/01/2022.
- Chapter’s exec board will meet monthly with OSFL to discuss health and safety within the chapter from 02/2022 through 12/2022.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 5/2/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct
- (25) Violations of Interim Actions, Sanctions, and Conditions
Date Reported: 5/4/2021
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 5/4/2021
Location: Off Campus (*Co-hosted with Delta Delta Delta)
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/26/2021
Sanction Date: 2/18/2021
- Disciplinary Probation through 12/10/2021
- Educational Activities:
- 80% of chapter must attend an event management conversation with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life (OSFL) by 8/1/2021.
- Executive board must host a meeting with OSFL surrounding traditional events, safe event management, and risk mitigation.
- Chapter must develop an action plan for managing risky behavior by 8/10/2021.
- Educational roundtable with SCCS/OSFL surrounding common Code violations by 9/1/2021
- Develop and implement an internal accountability plan with the assistance of headquarters by 9/1/2021 (this sanction has been reassigned Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s remaining sanctions from 1/22/2021 case).
- Chapter must review and register all social events with OSFL prior to events through 5/21/2022.
- *See Delta Delta Delta Conduct History for respective sanctions and outcomes.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 1/22/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct – University Property
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
- (23) Failure to Respond, Comply, or Identify
Date Reported: 1/24/2021
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 1/25/2021
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/26/2021
Sanction Date: 2/18/2021
- Deferred Suspension until 5/1/2021
- Disciplinary Probation until 8/31/2021
- Loss or restriction of privilege – chapter is limited to chapter meetings and brotherhood events through the duration of the spring semester
- Educational Activity – all on- and off-campus events in the fall of 2021 will be reviewed with OSFL
- Educational Activity – OSFL led safety meeting on COVID-19 and social event restrictions/policy
- Educational Activity – COVID-19 safety education module
- Educational Activity – bystander intervention workshop
- Educational Activity – develop and implement an internal accountability plan with the assistance of headquarters
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 05/01/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (9) Private or Public Property
- (18) Alcohol on Campus
- (23) Failure to Respond, Comply, or Identify
Date Reported: 05/03/2020
Reported By: UT Police
Investigation Start Date: 05/04/2020
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 06/16/2020
Sanction Date: 06/16/2020
- Disciplinary probation through November 15, 2020
- Chapter must complete an educational program regarding UT alcohol policies and social event safety with UTPD.
- Educational Sanctions
- Chapter must complete an educational discussion with Sigma Alpha Epsilon Headquarters staff regarding accountability, alcohol policy, housing policy, alcohol awareness, social event safety, and risk management with current and new members.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
Date of Incident: 8/23/2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Date Reported: 8/24/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/24/2024
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 9/13/2024
Sanction Date: 9/13/2024
- Disciplinary Probation until 2/1/2025
- Educational Activities:
- Chapter leadership must work with OSFL to develop an action plan for addressing high-risk behavior and keeping members and guests safe. This must be completed by 10/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall participate in a “risk management reset” workshop facilitated by OSFL that focuses on risk management strategies; safe social event practice’ creating a healthy and safe member experience; and the importance of each member doing this part. 90% of active members must be present and it must be completed by 10/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s outcoming and incoming Executive Boards shall meet with OSFL for a transition workshop to discuss social event registration, internal accountability, risk management strategies, and expectations for their members. This must be completed by 1/15/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 8/18/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 8/18/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/18/2023
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 9/20/2023
Sanction Date: 9/20/2023
- Disciplinary Probation until 1/15/2024
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter shall complete HQ’s Drinking Smart Program by 9/15/2023. A minimum of 80% of new members and active members must attend.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education Committee shall work with OSFL to plan and execute a transition workshop for both outgoing and incoming Executive Board and New Member Education Committee by 11/15/2023.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, Social Event Planning Team, Risk Management Team, New Member Education Committee, and Recruitment Team shall work with OSFL to discuss accountability, risk management strategies, and expectations of their membership moving forward during recruitment by 12/15/2023.
*The chapter will complete all educational programs and administrative actions agreed up in the Alternative Resolution resolved on 5/18/2023.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 3/5/2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 3/23/2022
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 3/23/2022
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 5/27/2022
Sanction Date: 5/27/2022
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board & officers involved in social event planning will participate in an educational conversation with OSFL centering on risk mitigation at events with alcohol by August 30, 2022.
- The Chapter’s Leadership will work with OSFL to develop an action plan for addressing high-risk behavior at events with alcohol and then present this information to the chapter membership by August 30, 2022.
- Educational Activities:
*The chapter will complete all educational programs and administrative actions agreed up in the Alternative Resolution resolved on 3/7/2022.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 9/29/2021
Reported By: UT Staff
Investigation Start Date: 9/29/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 3/7/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 3/7/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 8/1/2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- New Member Education Committee monthly meetings with OSFL until 6/1/2022.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation.
- Complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop by 4/15/2022.
- Complete OSFL’s Sober Monitor Training by 5/15/2022.
- Develop a New Member Education plan and attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL by 7/1/2022.
Date of Incident: 8/28, 9/13, 9/25, 9/26, 10/3/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (23) Failure to Respond, Comply, or Identify Oneself
Date Reported: 10/5/2020
Reported By: UT Student
Investigation Start Date: 10/5/2020
Location: Off and On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 12/16/2020
Sanction Date: 12/16/2020
- Warning – written notice of violated Standards of Conduct
- All current and new members will complete the COVID-19 educational activity/module through the Center of Health Education and Wellness
- Chapter will participate in Headquarters sponsored alcohol education course
- Loss or Restriction Privileges – The chapter will not host or co-host in-person events through 2/1/2021
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 10/14/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (14) Fire Safety
Date Reported: 10/14/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/14/2023
Location: On Campus
Case Resolved On: 11/27/2023
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 11/27/2023 and agreed to the following:
- Educational Sanctions:
- Chapter officers will meet with OSFL & Sigma Nu HQ to discuss social event planning, expected safety precautions, and resources surrounding hosting event both with and without alcohol by 2/14/2024.
- Educational Sanctions:
Date of Incident: 5/24/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (9) Private or Public Property
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct – On Campus
Date Reported: 6/2/2023
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 6/2/2023
Location: Sigma Nu Fraternity House
Notice of Charges Date: 7/25/2023
Sanction Date: 7/25/2023
- Educational activities:
- Chapter’s Executive Board, including house manager will meet with OSFL to develop and implement a House Resident Expectations & Accountability Agreement for the on campus Chapter facility by 8/15/2023
- Following the development of a House Resident Expectations & Accountability Agreement chapter leadership will facilitate a conversation with the residents of the on-campus facility for the fall 2023 semester by 9/1/2023.
- The chapter will engage in an educational workshop about the appropriate use of the on-campus Chapter facility with OSFL by 9/15/2023.
- Educational activities:
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: Spring 2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 2/4/2022*
Reported By: Various
Investigation Start Date: 2/4/2022
Location: On/ Off Campus
Interim Action: *After receiving addition information, on 3/23/2022, Sigma Nu was placed on interim restrictions for activities related to the new member process (formal or informal) as well as any activities with alcohol by the National Headquarters for possible violations of the Fraternity’s Risk Reduction Policy. The University mirrored and supported this by issuing University interim restrictions.
Case Resolved On: 5/10/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative resolution on 5/10/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 12/15/2022
- Loss or restriction of privileges: No social events and only brotherhood events without alcohol until August 31, 2022.
- Chapter has the ability to earn back 8 social events with alcohol and unlimited social events without alcohol starting on 8/31/2022.
- Educational Sanctions:
- For each of the Chapter’s 8 social events with alcohol during the Fall 2022 semester, the individuals responsible for organizing the events will meet with OSFL prior to hosting each event and again within 7 business days following the event to review.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations through the end of Disciplinary Probation.
- Executive Board will work to complete Sigma Nu’s “Candidate Development Action Plan” by 6/1/2022.
- Following the completion of the “Candidate Development Action Plan,” the Executive Board will develop a true candidate educational program by 7/1/2022.
- The Executive Board will develop and follow an internal accountability plan by 8/1/2022.
- Complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop by 8/31/2022.
- Risk Reduction Chairman and his committee agree to work with OSFL to develop “Values Congruent Environments Action Plan,” outlining the chapter’s strategy for risk management and prevention by August 31, 2022.
- The Chapter’s leadership agrees to review the “Values Congruent Environments Action Plan,” with Chapter members in collaboration with OSFL by 8/31/2022.
- Participate in “Phase I: Session 6: Values & Ethics” of Sigma Nu’s LEAD Program by 10/1/2022.
Date of Incident: 11/3/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (5) Harm to Others
Date Reported: 11/4/2020
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 11/4/2020
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Charges Date: 11/24/2020
Sanction Date: 11/24/2020
- Deferred Suspension until 3/1/2021
- Disciplinary Probation until 5/1/2021
- Loss or restriction of privilege – the chapter is not permitted to host in-person events until 2/1/2021
- All in-person social events are to be reviewed with OSFL and HQ through probation
- Educational activities:
- COVID-19 Safety Education through the Center of Health Education and Wellness
- Active Bystander education
- All executive board members are to attend a Student Code of Conduct training with SCCS and OSFL
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 1/16/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (21) Drugs and drug paraphernalia
Date Reported: 1/17/2020
Reported By: UTPD
Investigation Start Date: 1/17/2020
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/10/2020
Notice of Sanctions Date: 3/17/2020
- Warning
- Educational Sanctions:
- Active Bystander training
- Chapter leadership will attend a training session on the Student Code of Conduct to review violations and responsibilities of student organizations as well as the definition of “possession.” Information will be disseminated to chapter members.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Date of Incident: 2/25/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (9) Private or Public Property
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
- (25) Violation of Interim Administrative Actions, Disciplinary Sanctions
Date Reported: 2/27/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 2/27/2023
Location: Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity House
Notice of Allegations Date: 3/24/2023
Sanction Date: 3/24/2023
- On 3/24/2023 UTK and Sigma Phi Epsilon (HQ) collaboratively made the decision to suspend the Tennessee Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. The Division of Student Life and Sigma Phi Epsilon (HQ) are entering into a MOU to support the suspension and lay out a path for a successful return. The earliest date the Chapter is eligible to return to UTK is Spring 2027.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement/MOU with National Headquarters
Date of Incident: 8/21/2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (9) Private or Public Property
- (11) Disorderly Conduct
- (18) Alcohol-related Conduct (on-campus)
- (25) Violation of Sanctions
Date Reported: 8/21/2022
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/21/2022
Location: On Campus
Case Resolved On: 11/15/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 7/08/2022 and agreed to the following:
Sanction(s): The following outcomes within the Alternative Resolution were agreed to by the chapter:
- Suspension/Cease and Desist through March 20, 2023.
- The Chapter shall cease any and all Chapter activities except virtual Chapter meetings with an Advisor and/or HQ representative present. An additional exception is (1) brotherhood event in January 2023 and (2) brotherhood events in February 2023. These events cannot be hosted in the Chapter’s facility and no alcohol is permitted.
- The on-campus fraternity house is restricted from any guests. Only residents currently living in the facility are permitted to be present.
- The Chapter is permitted to complete educational activities outline in the Remedial Action Plan provided an Advisor and/or HQ representative is present.
- Once the Chapter returns to active status, they will do so under a Deferred Suspension through May 18, 2023 and Disciplinary Probation through December 15, 2023.
- Once the Chapter has returned to active status and while on a Deferred Suspension, the Chapter may host (4) brotherhood events, (2) of social events without alcohol, and (1) social event with alcohol. While on a Deferred Suspension, the Chapter may participate in 365 recruitment.
- Upon return to active status and while on Disciplinary Probation, all social events, both on-campus and off-campus, shall be registered and reviewed in advance with OSFL and HQs a minimum of 7 days in advance for dry events and 14 days in advance for events with alcohol. This includes any event that has a social element to it. All social events must adhere to local, state, HQs and University expectations.
- The Chapter agrees to be restricted from living in any on-campus facility until Fall 2025. Individuals residing in the on-campus house are permitted to live in the Chapter facility for the remainder of the 2022-2023 academic year. The facility will be closed during the University’s winter break and residents must vacate the facility from December 18, 2022 until January 21, 2023.
- The Chapter agrees to implement an Alumni Advisory Committee.
- The Chapter agrees to participate in a membership review at the conclusion of the chapter remedial action program with the AAC.
- The Chapter agree to complete the Chapter Development Programming & Action Plan.
- The Chapter agrees that if they are found responsible for additional violations while on Deferred Suspension, the Chapter shall suspend all chapter operations and close for a period no less than 5 years.
- Suspension/Cease and Desist through March 20, 2023.
Date of Incident: Spring 2022 Semester
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (2) Providing False Information
- (5) Harm to Others
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
- (25) Violation of Sanctions
Date Reported: 4/01/2022
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 4/01/2022
Location: On/Off Campus
Interim Action: On April 1, 2022, Sigma Phi Epsilon was placed on interim administrative actions for all activities and operations by the University of Tennessee to ensure the safety and well-being of all members. There was an exception made for virtual meeting(s) during this time.
Case Resolved On: 7/08/2022
The chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 7/08/2022 and agreed to the following:
Sanction(s): The following outcomes within the Alternative Resolution were agreed to by the chapter:
- Suspension/Cease and Desist through the Spring 2023 semester. An exception to this status is educational activities outlined in the Chapter’s Remedial Action Plan.
- Active status may be petitioned when all Headquarters and University expectations have been met no earlier than 12/07/2022.
- Complete Chapter Remedial Action Plan.
- Once on active status, the chapter agrees to complete: Deferred Suspension for no less than one (1) semester and Disciplinary Probation for no less than three (3) semesters.
- The Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) and HQs will facilitate and oversee a membership review and officer review.
- The Chapter will have a HQs staff member live in the on-campus Chapter house who will be present at all major Chapter events.
- Upon return to active status and while on Disciplinary Probation, all social events, both on-campus and off-campus, shall be registered and reviewed in advance with OSFL and HQs a minimum of 7 days in advance for dry events and 14 days in advance for events with alcohol. This includes any event that has a social element to it. All social events must adhere to local, state, HQs and University expectations.
- If the chapter is found responsible for additional violations during the remainder of the 2022-2023 academic year, the Chapter will suspend all chapter operations and close for no less than five (5) years.
Date of Incident: Fall 2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Violated:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-related (on-campus)
- (19) Alcohol-related (off-campus)
- (20) Providing Alcohol to person(s) under 21
Date Reported: 10/14/2021
Reported By: Anonymous
Investigation Start Date: 10/14/2021
Location: On/ Off Campus
Case Resolved On: 2/18/2022
The Chapter voluntarily entered into an Alternative Resolution on 2/18/2022 and agreed to the following:
- Disciplinary Probation until 6/1/2022
- Educational Sanctions:
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations and cover the following:
- Develop and follow and internal accountability board/ plan.
- Executive Board monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss health and safety as it relates to chapter operations and cover the following:
- Complete UTK’s Hazing EDU workshop by 4/1/2022.
- Complete an educational program regarding social event safety, risk mitigation strategies, and bystander intervention with the University of Tennessee Police Department (UTPD) Community Relationships Unit by 05/1/2022.
- Complete OSFL’s Sober Monitor Training by 6/1/2022.
Date of Incident: 10/31/2019
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (14) Fire Safety
- (18 x3) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19 x3) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (21) Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
- (10) Hazing
- (20 x2) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
- (3) Misuse of Information
Date Reported: 11/01/2019
Reported By: Anonymous
Investigation Start Date: 11/06/2019
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/13/2020
Sanction Date: 2/13/2020
- Deferred Suspension until 12/15/2020
- Social Probation until 12/15/2020
- Disciplinary Probation until 12/21/2021
- AAC in control of chapter for a two year minimum
- No chapter events at “unofficial” off campus locations
- No more than five (5) social events per semester beginning January 2021
- All social events reviewed with OSFL and/or AAC (SigEp HQ)
- All social events must undergo a post review
- Chapter Membership Review to be conducted
- Balanced Man Program Presentation no later than March 1, 2020
- Chapter exec meeting with OSFL by 3/15/2020
- OSFL, AAC, SigEp HQ must review all new member processes, informal and formal processes by 4/1/2020
- Hosting of “The Mask You Live In” documentary and reflection papers are due 4/15/2020
- Hazing educational sessions by 5/15/2020
- Chapter session on difficult conversations. Resources like the Dean of Students/974-HELP by 9/15/2020
- Active bystander education presentation by 10/15/2020
- Social event safety program by 11/20/2020
- SigEp risk management policy program by 12/15/2020
- New SigEp leadership to attend national leadership programs
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement.
Council: Interfraternity Council
Date of Incident: October 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
Date Reported: 11/11/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 11/11/2023
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/26/2024
Notice of Sanctions Date: 2/26/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 6/1/2024
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board and Judicial Board will host monthly meetings with OSFL through 6/1/2024.
- The Chapter is required to develop and follow an internal accountability plan for the spring 2024 semester and beyond. Chapter leadership should meet with OSFL to develop and implement the plan by 3/15/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete an educational webinar session about hazing prevention with the Chapter’s HQ and/or the Hazing Prevention Team at UTK. A minimum of 80% of new and active members must be present and 100% of the Chapter’s Executive Board and New Member Education Committee must attend. This program should be completed by 5/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete 5 programming events related to the Sacred Purpose. These topics should include a variety of health and safety topics. A minimum of 90% of new members and active members must participate. This must be completed by 5/1/2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board, New Member Committee, and Recruitment Committee shall meet with OSFL to review and discuss their NM Education plan for the Fall 2024 semester. This must be completed by 6/1/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: N/A
Date of Incident: Spring 2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating: N/A
Date Reported: 8/27/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/27/2024
Location: Various
Notice of Allegations Date: N/A
Sanction Date: 8/27/2024
- Our community is composed of sorority and fraternity chapters that are all Registered Student Organizations through the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life, recognized and active within their inter/national organizations, and have followed the OSFL and respective council expansion policies. For the health and safety of the general community, we do not support or encourage the existence of membership in unrecognized/suspended sororities or fraternities.
Hearing Type: N/A
Council: Panhellenic Council
Date of Incident: 11/10/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol related conduct
Date Reported: 11/23/2021
Reported By: Student
Investigation Start Date: 11/23/2021
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/25/2022
Notice of Sanctions Date: 2/25/2022
- Educational Sanctions
- Chapter will complete OSFL’s Sober Monitor Training by April 15, 2022.
- Educational Sanctions
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Panhellenic Council
Date of Incident: 8/21/2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
- (18) Alcohol-Related Conduct
- (19) Alcohol-Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 8/25/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/25/2024
Location: On & Off-Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 9/30/2024
Notice of Sanctions Date: 9/30/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 3/1/2025
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board will meet with OSFL and Alpha Delta Pi EO to develop a list of goals for how the chapter can continue to reduce risk and unsafe practices and focus on values by 11/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete Alcohol 101+ through Alpha Delta Pi EO. A minimum of 90% of new members and active members must complete this module by 11/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete the Hazing EDU workshop with the University’s Hazing Prevention Team. A minimum of 80% of new members and active members must complete this module by 12/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete a risk management workshop with OSFL and Alpha Delta Pi EO staff to focus on risk management strategies, safe social event practices, and creating a health and safe member experience. A minimum of 80% of new members and active members must complete this module by 12/10/2025.
- The Chapter’s New Member Education Committee shall host monthly meetings with OSFL. These meetings should start in October 2024 and continue through May of 2025.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
Date of Incident: 10/30/2019
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol related conduct
Date Reported: 11/15/2019
Reported By: Student
Investigation Start Date: 1/17/2020
Location: On Campus
Notice of Charges Date: 3/5/2020
Sanction Date: 3/5/2020
- Educational Sanctions
- Chapter leadership to have discussion with chapter members about attending and hosting an event with another student organization and possession as defined in the code.
- Educational Sanctions
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Panhellenic Council
Date of Incident: 8/24/2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Prohibited by Law
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 9/22/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 9/22/2023
Location: Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 1/29/2024
Notice of Sanctions Date: 1/29/2024
- Disciplinary Probation until 3/15/2024
- Educational Sanctions
- Chapter’s Executive Board will work with OSFL to identify opportunities for growth in the Chapter’s operations and develop a list of goals for how the Chapter can continue to reduce risk, focus on values, and be a leader within the Panhellenic and campus community.
- The Chapter shall complete the “Mock Trial Program” (ASTP) with National Headquarters by 5/1/2024.
- Chapter’s New Member Education Committee shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss new member education, planning, and education. These meetings should start in February and continue through July 2024.
- Chapter shall complete UTK’s Hazing EDU Workshop with the University’s Hazing Prevention Team by 8/19/2024.
Date of Incident: 08/24/2020
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (23) Failure to Respond, Comply or Identify
Date Reported: 08/24/20
Reported By: Staff Member
Investigation Start Date:
Location: On Campus
Notice of Charges Date: 09/09/20
Sanction Date: 08/25/20
- Educational Activity #1: The Chapter is required to communicate with alumni regarding the severity of the incident and why disciplinary action was taken by the University. The document is to be reviewed in advance by Headquarters, OSFL, and/or SCCS. This is to be completed by September 15th, 2020.
- Educational Activity #2: The Chapter is required to complete a workshop on Difficult Conversations and Peer Leadership. This training will be facilitated by a National Representative of Chi Omega and will take place via virtual format. Megan Palik (or a headquarters representative) will work with the Director or Training and Programming to cater this to the Pi Chapter of Chi Omega. This is to be completed by October 1st, 2020 and documentation of completion is to be submitted to SCCS reflecting that at least 85% of the Chapter attended.
- The Executive and Programming Board of the Chapter is required to complete a workshop on Event Planning Guidelines. This is to be completed by October 16th, 2020 and documentation of completion is to be submitted to SCCS reflecting that at least 85% of the Executive and Programming Board attended.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Panhellenic Council
Date of Incident: 8/24/2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct On-Campus
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct Off-Campus
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 8/25/2022
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 8/25/2022
Location: On & Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/4/2022
Sanction Date: 11/4/2022
- Disciplinary Probation through February 1, 2023
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board agrees to participate in an educational conversation with OSFL, centering on identifying areas of growth and improvement for the Chapter, particularly in relation to health and safety by December 1, 2022.
- The Chapter’s Leadership agrees to work with OSFL to develop a presentation and/or program to review the action plan with the Chapter members by February 1, 2023. 80% of the chapter must be present.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Date of Incident: 5/2/2021
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (5) Harm to Others
- (19) Alcohol Related Conduct
Date Reported: 5/4/2021
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 5/4/2021
Location: Off Campus (*Co-hosted with Sigma Alpha Epsilon)
Notice of Allegations Date: 5/28/2021
Sanction Date: 5/31/2021
- Disciplinary Probation through 9/1/2021
- Educational Activities:
- 80% of chapter must attend an event management conversation with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life (OSFL) by 8/1/2021.
- Executive board must host a meeting with OSFL surrounding traditional events, safe event management, and risk mitigation.
- Chapter must develop an action plan for managing risky behavior by 8/10/2021.
- Chapter must review and register all social events with OSFL prior to events through 12/10/2021.
- *See Sigma Alpha Epsilon Conduct History for respective sanctions and outcomes.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
No conduct history in the last 5 years
Council: Panhellenic Council
Date of Incident: 10/19/2022
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct On-Campus
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 10/20/2022
Reported By: UT Staff Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/20/2022
Location: On Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 11/16/2022
Sanction Date: 11/16/2022
- Disciplinary Probation through May 17, 2023.
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter’s Executive Board shall complete the Vols ACT Online Module by 12/7/2022.
- The Chapter shall participate in a social event safety program facilitated by OSFL by 12/16/2022.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board agrees to participate in an educational conversation with OSFL, centering on identifying areas of growth and improvement for the Chapter, particularly in relation to health and safety by 12/16/2022.
- The shall participate in a mock social event facilitated by OSFL with their homecoming partner, Phi Kappa Tau, by 3/1/2023. 80% of the chapter must be in attendance.
- The Chapter’s Leadership agrees to work with OSFL to develop a presentation and/or program to review the action plan with the Chapter members by 2/23/2022. 80% of the chapter must be present.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
Date of Incident: Fall 2023
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (10) Hazing
Date Reported: 10/4/2023
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 10/4/2023
Location: On/Off Campus
Notice of Allegations Date: 2/1/2024
Sanction Date: 2/1/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 5/15/2024
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter shall work with OSFL to develop a true New Member Education plan that involves ways for new members and active members to bond without hazing by 2/15/2024
- The Chapter shall complete the VolsGrow Online Module. A minimum of 90% of members must complete the course by 3/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall complete UTK’s Hazing EDU Workshop with the University’s Hazing Prevention Team. A minimum of 90% of members must be present and it should be completed by 3/15/2024.
- The Chapter’s Executive Board shall host monthly meetings with OSFL to discuss member education, planning, and education. These meetings should begin in February 2024 and end by 5/15/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
Date of Incident: 4/7/2024
Standard(s) of Conduct Found Responsible for Violating:
- (9) Private or Public Property
- (18) Alcohol Related Conduct On-Campus
- (20) Providing Alcohol to Underage Person
Date Reported: 4/7/2024
Reported By: Community Member
Investigation Start Date: 4/8/2024
Location: Lakemoor Station Apartments
Notice of Allegations Date: 5/7/2024
Sanction Date: 5/7/2024
- Disciplinary Probation through 10/1/2024
- The Chapter will pay restitution for the damage that occurred at the event by 7/1/2024
- Educational Activities:
- The Chapter shall attend a facilitated conversation with OSFL to review and discuss their NM Education plan for the fall 2024 semester. This should be completed by 7/1/2024.
- The Chapter shall attend a workshop facilitated by OSFL on event registration policies, general risk management strategies, and the University’s expectations for the chapter. 90% of active members must be present and it should be completed by 9/1/2024.
Hearing Type: Resolution Agreement
Council: Panhellenic Council
No conduct history in the last 5 years