The University of Tennessee, Knoxville offers a wide range of programs for individuals involved in organizations within the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life. To get a full understanding of what’s available, explore the programs listed below. They are organized alphabetically for easy reference.
Advisor Conference
Every summer, OSFL hosts the Advisors Conference to update and train advisors from all chapters in our community.
Bystander Intervention Training
Every August, all chapters receive bystander intervention training to explore campus resources and learn how to act using the three D’s: Direct, Delegate, and Distract.
Cross Council Exchange
Commonly known as CCE, this program hosts all chapters from the four councils to foster relationships and gain a greater understanding of their identity.
Fraternal Excellence Awards
The Fraternal Excellence Awards (FEA) recognize outstanding chapters, students, faculty, advisors, and alumni for annual performance.
Future Greek Leaders
Future Greek Leaders is a retreat for members in their first or second year of membership to explore their leadership styles for future opportunities within their chapter and/or council.
Greek Gala
Every fall, the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life hosts the Greek Gala to showcase the past, present, and future of our community to current student leaders, advisors, campus partners, and alumni!
Greek Leadership Course
The Greek Leadership Course takes place each spring semester. Members in the community can take a 2-credit-hour course to focus on developing their skills in the context of the sorority and fraternity experience and leadership.
Greek Leadership Summit
The Greek Leadership Summit is a specific summit that challenges our chapter presidents and council members to grow as leaders, affect change in our community, and explore their values as leaders.
Hall of Fame
The Sorority & Fraternity Life Alumni Hall of Fame was created during the 150th anniversary year to honor influential alumni from our community!
Health & Safety Summit
The Health & Safety Summit is a bi-annual event for chapter members to explore resources and skills focused on prevention models, problem identification, accountability, and health and safety initiatives.
Meeting in the Middle
Through meaningful conversations and collaborative siblinghood, Meeting in the Middle (MITM) fosters the opportunity for members to explore immersive leadership through care and respect.
Misconceptions & Stereotypes
The Misconceptions and Stereotypes program aims to provide a comfortable space for potential new NPHC members to learn about NPHC and UTK Greek Life, and intake process.
New Member Orientation – Health and Safety Module
The New Member Orientation – Health and Safety is a holistic orientation Canvas module for new members of the community covering the community and campus resources surrounding alcohol, drugs, hazing, mental health, and sexual misconduct.
Officer Trainings
Officer Trainings are provided by OSFL and other on-campus partners as a way to supplement chapter and council officer education provided by chapter transitions, regional/national headquarters, and alumni advisors.
Order of Omega
Honoring the top 5% of Greek leaders and scholars at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Sorority & Fraternity organizations.
Psi Society
Psi Society is a prestigious opportunity for Greeks to educate Greeks on topics of leadership, health, and safety. Nominations and applications are accepted for any active member of any chapter.
Quad-Council Events
As a community, the leaders of each council and chapter will come together for Quad-Council Events such as Quad Council Installation, Quad-Council Retreat, and Presidents Cabinet Meetings.
Recruitment & Intake
Learn more about the joining processes for the entire community throughout the year at Recruitment and Intake.
Sober Monitor Trainings
In accordance with the Event Registration Policy, OSFL offers Sober Monitor Trainings for all organizations covering related policy, logistics, bystander intervention, and crisis response.
Standards of Fraternal Excellence
Standards of Fraternal Excellence (SOFE) outlines the commitments of the university, the Division of Student Life, the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life, sorority and fraternity organizations, national and international organizations, sorority and fraternity volunteers, and student
The Summit
In partnership with Student Conduct and Community Standards, The Summit is a collective SEC & Friends conference geared to bring together campus-based professionals from various fields, along with staff from national organizations.