Alpha Chi Omega is a sorority that focuses on empowering women through sisterhood, academic achievement, and service to others.
The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega are dedicated to raising awareness about domestic violence and supporting survivors through their philanthropic efforts, including partnerships with local shelters and organizations. The Delta Pi chapter cultivates a welcoming and inclusive environment where members can grow as leaders, build meaningful friendships, and excel in their academic pursuits. Alpha Chi Omega provides opportunities for personal development, leadership, and community involvement, making it a significant part of the Greek life experience and the broader Volunteer community.
Chapter Name: Alpha Chi Omega
Designation: Delta Pi Chapter
Nickname: Alpha Chi
Colors: Scarlet Red and Olive Green
Symbols/Mascots: Golden Lyre and Red Carnation
Philanthropy: Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence and the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation
National Founding: October 15, 1885 at DePauw University
UT Founding: 1961
Standing at UT: Good Standing: Three Star
Chapter GPA: 3.40
President: Emmie Edwards
Recommendation Letter for Recruitment: Click here to submit a recommendation form.
Minimum GPA Requirement for Recruitment: 3.2 for entering freshmen; 3.0 for current college students
Alpha Chi Omega Dues (Per Semester)
- Meal Plan: $175
- Meals: 1/week
- Chapter Dues: $362
- House Fee: $350
One-Time Fees
- New Member: $230
Total Per Semester: $1,117
- Meal Plan: $175
- Meals: 1/week
- Chapter Dues: $362
- House Fee: $350
Total Per Semester: $887
- Rent: $2,925
- Meal Plan: $1,600
- Meals: 15/week
- Chapter Dues: $362
- House Fee: $350
Total Per Semester: $5,237
- Meal Plan: $175
- Meals: 1/week
- Chapter Dues: $362
- House Fee: $350
Total Per Semester: $887
Standards of Fraternal Excellence
Standing: Three-Star Chapter 98/100
The Standards of Fraternal Excellence (SOFE) is a minimum standards and excellence program that tracks each chapter’s accomplishments in the following five areas on an annual basis based on their election cycle. For more information and details, visit the SOFE page.
Maintaining a chapter scholarship program and chapter and new member GPA above a 2.5. View the most recent Community and Academic Report.
Roster submission, New Member Education Plans, Officer Updates, Advisor Updates, Council Meeting Attendance, Presidents’ Cabinet Meeting Attendance, VOLink Registration, OSFL Coaching Meetings, Financial Good Standing, & Conduct Standing
Completing at least 4 hours of service per member tracked through the Jones Center for Leadership and Service and hosting one philanthropic event:
2024 Service Hours Per Member: 10.81 hours/member
2024 Philanthropic Donations: $27,390 donated
Campus Involvement, Immersive Leadership and Service, Service Hours Over 4 Hours Per Member, Chapter GPA Above the All-Male/Female Average, Academic/Career/Leadership Program, Access & Engagement Program, Health & Safety Program, and End-Of-Year Meeting with OSFL Council Advisor.