Sigma Kappa is a sorority that emphasizes sisterhood, academic achievement, and service to others.
The chapter is deeply committed to its philanthropic initiatives, including support for Alzheimer’s research and the Sigma Kappa Foundation. Through events and fundraising efforts, the sisters of Sigma Kappa work to make a difference both locally and nationally, especially in raising awareness for Alzheimer’s disease. At UT Knoxville, the chapter fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, where members can grow as leaders, build lasting friendships, and thrive academically. Sigma Kappa offers opportunities for leadership, personal growth, and community involvement, making it a valuable part of the Greek life experience and the Volunteer spirit on Rocky Top.
Chapter Name: Sigma Kappa
Designation: Alpha Delta Chapter
Nickname: Sig Kap
Colors: Lavender and Maroon
Symbols/Mascots: Heart and Dove
Philanthropy: Alzheimer’s Association
National Founding: November 9, 1874 at Colby College
UT Founding: 1921
Standing at UT: Good Standing: Three Star
Chapter GPA: 3.45
President: Emma Sparger
Recommendation Letter for Recruitment: Sigma Kappa no longer accepts letters of recommendation.
Minimum GPA Requirement for Recruitment: 3.0 for entering freshmen; 3.0 for current college students
Sigma Kappa Dues (Per Semester)
- Rent: $175
- Chapter Dues: $312
- House Fee: $300
One-Time Fees
- New Member: $349
Total Per Semester: $1,136
- Chapter Dues: $494
- House Fee: $175
Total Per Semester: $669
- Rent: $3,069
- Meal Plan: $1,860
- Meals: 15/week
- Chapter Dues: $494
Total Per Semester: $5,423
- Meal Plan: $889
- Meals: 6/week
- Chapter Dues: $494
- House Fee: $175
Total Per Semester: $1,558
Standards of Fraternal Excellence
Standing: Three-Star Chapter 95/100
Maintaining a chapter scholarship program and chapter and new member GPA above a 2.5.
Roster submission, New Member Education Plans, Officer Updates, Advisor Updates, Council Meeting Attendance, Presidents’ Cabinet Meeting Attendance, VOLink Registration, OSFL Coaching Meetings, Financial Good Standing, & Conduct Standing
Completing at least 4 hours of service per member tracked through the Jones Center for Leadership and Service and hosting one philanthropic event:
2023 Service Hours Per Member: 6.46 hours/member
2023 Philanthropic Donations: $30,604.43 donated
Campus Involvement, Immersive Leadership and Service, Service Hours Over 4 Hours Per Member, Chapter GPA Above the All-Male/Female Average, Academic/Career/Leadership Program, DEI Program, Health & Safety Program, and End-Of-Year Meeting with OSFL Council Advisor.