OSFL Request Form Resources to Get Started Chapter Enrichment Fund Process Example Receipts OSFL Request Form Request Form for housing and enrichment funds. Name of Person Completing This Form(Required) First Last Email of Person Completing This Form(Required) Chapter(Required)Select Your ChapterAlpha Gamma DeltaAlpha Gamma RhoAlpha Chi OmegaAlpha Delta PiAlpha Epsilon PiAlpha Kappa AlphaAlpha Phi AlphaAlpha Omicron PiBeta Theta PiBeta Upsilon ChiChi OmegaDelta ChiDelta Delta DeltaDelta GammaDelta Kappa EpsilonDelta Phi LambdaDelta Sigma ThetaDelta Tau DeltaDelta UpsilonDelta ZetaFarmHouseIota Phi ThetaKappa Alpha PsiKappa DeltaKappa Kappa GammaKappa SigmaLambda Chi AlphaLambda Phi EpsilonLambda Theta AlphaLambda Theta PhiOmega Psi PhiPhi Beta SigmaPhi Delta ThetaPhi Gamma DeltaPhi Kappa PsiPhi Kappa TauPhi MuPhi Sigma KappaPi Beta PhiPi Kappa AlphaPi Kappa PhiSigma Alpha EpsilonSigma Beta RhoSigma ChiSigma Gamma RhoSigma KappaSigma NuSigma Phi EpsilonSigma Sigma RhoTheta ChiZeta Phi BetaZeta Tau AlphaPosition/Title with Organization(Required)Request Type(Required)Select Your Request TypeProject RequestEnrichment FundMaintenance Reserve FundOtherHas this already been paid for?(Required)YesNoRemit To Address(Required)Please enter name and address where reimbursement checks should be sentReimbursement DisclaimerReimbursements will require some additional follow-up questions as there are case-by-case situations. Please check out the resources above and contact Associate Director, Jennifer Pierce Thomas, at jpierc23@utk.edu.Please identify who, where, and total to be reimbursed.(Required)Project RequestTitle of ProjectName of Project Lead First Last Email of Project Lead Proposed Date(s) of ProjectPreferred Vendor(s)Estimated CostFunding Source(Private, University Fund, Chapter, Mixed, etc.)Description of ProjectMaintenance Reserve FundMaintenance Project TitleName of Project Contact First Last Email of Project Contact Preferred Vendor(s)Estimated CostFunding Source(Private, University Fund, Chapter, Mixed, etc.)Description of Maintenance ProjectEnrichment Fund RequestPurpose of RequestName of Request Contact First Last Email of Request Contact Estimated CostFunding Source(Private, University Fund, Chapter, Mixed, etc.)Please provide a detailed description of what the request funds would cover.OtherProvide a description of what request you would like to submit in detailName of person OSFL should contact about this request First Last Email of person OSFL should contact about this request Supporting DocumentationPlease upload any and all files that will support your request to OSFL (receipts, quotes, floor plans, pictures, conference registration documents, etc.)FileMax. file size: 1 MB.FileMax. file size: 1 MB.FileMax. file size: 1 MB.FileMax. file size: 1 MB.FileMax. file size: 1 MB.UntitledUntitledUntitled Δ